How Much Do You Love Money?

How Much Do You Love Money?

Mey here blogging on a beautiful Tuesday morning on How Much Do You Love Money?

…so, how much do you love money?

…loving money will bring more of it into your life…

…just like loving your spouse and your children, and your neighbors and customers…

…what we love will come to us and enjoy our company…

…so how much do you love your money?

Questions To Ask Yourself To Find Out How Much You Love Your Money

…do you want to change your money into something else, or do you want to let it be itself?

…do you say loving words to your money, praise it and appreciate it on a daily basis?

…do you take care of your money, keeping it clean, and neatly folded?

…do you have a safe place for your money where you let it grow?

…do you think positive thoughts and say encouraging words to money?

…do take the time on a regular basis to be with your money, count it and make sure all of it’s needs are being met?

…do you respect money for what it is?

…how do you really feel about the money in your life?

Your Answers

…if you found that the title of the post offended you…

…or if you realized that you often complain about money…

…then feel happy now that you’ve discovered why you don’t have a lot of money in your life…

…taking the time to appreciate and truly love money will allow you to have more of it in your life…

…it sometimes is hard for people to change how they treat money…

…however, just realizing how you are with money will help you make the change that you need to to bring more money into you life…

so, how did you answer the questions?  How much do you love money?


…I like to blog about money and financial freedom, because it helps me grow and change and master parts of my life that I want to master…

…I’m like a kung fu ninja when I’m blogging…

…I imagine helping people find what they need to become financially free…

…what about you?

…are you passionate about something?

…do you want to help people become healthy, or physically fit, or be better parents, or learn to swim, or golf…fill in the blank!

…because you can make a substantial income from home with just an hour or two per day by blogging…

…if that interests you, then CLICK HERE, watch the free video, and get started!

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4 Replies to “How Much Do You Love Money?”

  1. I appreciate money because it’s a means to take care of my family and my necessities.
    I anyone says they don’t like money that would truly be a lie. Great post Mey!