How Finishing The Honolulu Marathon Changed My Life

How Finishing The Honolulu Marathon Changed My Life

…Have you ever thought that marathons were for crazy people?

…I did…

…a bunch of pain junkies or super human athletes who were just way beyond my comprehension…

…and I thought I would never run one…

…that it was too hard…

…and then something happened that changed my life forever…

Honolulu Marathon Fireworks
Honolulu Marathon Fireworks

…before I finished a marathon I thought that it was too hard for me…

…I had this limit on my physical abilities and believed that I just couldn’t and would never do it…

…even though so many finish and participate in marathons every year, for some reason I thought those people were just not like me at all…

…then I learned that when you dream and think big, anything becomes possible…

…you see, I was doing olympic distance triathlons and I suddenly decided one day that I was going to do an Ironman…

…well, if you know anything about an Ironman, it is a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, ending with a marathon run…

…that’s right, it is insanity on steroids…

…and I decided I was going to do it…

…funny thing was, when I set my sights on the Ironman, the Marathon seemed like just a stepping stone to a bigger goal…

…I signed up for my first Marathon as part of my Ironman training!

…and I just trained and just did it…

…the fear and the limitations were gone because I was shooting for an even bigger goal…

Getting Ready for the Honolulu Marathon
Getting Ready for the Honolulu Marathon

…now I know that if you think something is beyond your reach, that it is just your mind putting limitations on yourself…

…it has nothing to do with reality…

…the bigger we dream, the smaller these obstacles become, with no time passing at all…

…I learned to dream bigger, and that it would bring about what I wanted so much faster and easier…

…and you know what, I did complete that Ironman, that was the second marathon I did, and that was after swimming and biking for over 8 hours…

…it’s amazing what we can do when we put our minds to it…


…so what about you? ย What is it that you believe is impossible for you but if you just dreamed bigger, could come true?


…I love blogging about my experiences and my life, and I have a way to get paid doing it!

…want to blog about your passion? Then click the picture below to get started!

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8 Replies to “How Finishing The Honolulu Marathon Changed My Life”

  1. Awesome post! This really motivates me to take the limits off of my dreams. Thanks so much for sharing your experience Meylysa.

    1. Thanks Cassandra, I’m glad it motivates you to pursue your dreams more!

  2. Such an amazing accomplishment Meylysa! Congratulations!!!!! You are such an inspiration to others. Great advice to think bigger, dream bigger, and GO FOR IT! As Napoleon Hill said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Thank you for sharing your experience and your light with the masses! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks Brian and Felicia for the comment! I appreciate it and I hope it does provide inspiration for others =)

  3. wow! Congratulation Mey,…you pushed thing beyond your limitations (I mean self-imposed limitations) and you’ve made it! I have a feeling that this has opened lots of possibilities in your mind…thanks a lot for sharing this inspirational article. Have a blessed day!

    1. Thanks Dragos! Yes, I like how you said self-imposed limitations…very true!

  4. Wow! That is awesome Mey! I never ran a marathon. Thanks for sharing this inspirational post! But you are right, sometimes the things we think are mountains is just a grain of sand! Reminds me of that song ๐Ÿ™‚ Love and Blessings, Heidi