How exercising regularly can make you money

How exercising regularly can make you money

Yes, it’s Mey and I’m awake on a Thursday morning writing about How exercising regularly can make you money

…so, I was listening to the audio book for The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business

…a book that our friend Stephen recommended to my husband Jomel…

…and it is fascinating, I HIGHLY recommend you get it…

…there was a part that really caught my attention on Keystone habits…

…he talked about how changing one Keystone habit can be the trigger to changing a lot of other habits…

…and one Keystone habit was exercise…

…if someone started to exercise regularly, it oftentimes led to them eating healthier as well as using their Credit Cards less!!!

…I mean, how is that possible?

…I did a periscope on this (follow me @MeyDuldulao) yesterday and someone didn’t believe it!

…well, I always say go read the study…

…In my personal experience, I know that when I start doing one good change in my life it triggers other changes…

…for instance, when I cleaned out my closet, it led to me keeping our room cleaner, which led to me feeling happier about our room, and then I started receiving more money in gifts and fee reversals and so on…

…I know my Ironman training led me to eat completely differently, which also led me to feel more confident…

…I remember when I was biking that I made some commuter biking friends and I watched them change from just starting to bike commute out of necessity on their daughter’s bike, to starting to run regularly with a running club, to feeling much happier and healthier…

…it’s amazing how starting just one healthy change in your life can snowball to other parts of our lives…

…I know when I started exercising regularly that I did not start saving regularly…

…so the idea that exercise leads to changes in spending habits surprised me…

…I think it comes down to the individual person, and what they know they want to change about their lifestyle…

…and when they start succeeding with one, such as exercise, the get the confidence to change others, like their credit card spending…

What do you think?

Have you ever started a new and better habit that snowballed into changing your life?

Let us know in the comments below!

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4 Replies to “How exercising regularly can make you money”

  1. Yes Meylysa. I started blogging daily and spend less time watching tv and more time reading and planning for my next blog. I have more people to connect with and more interactions and engagements with fans.

    1. Hi Liz, nice to hear from you! Whenever we start doing something regularly and it’s a good habit, it leads to other good habits being formed. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love these examples of how exercising and developing good habits can make you money and improve all areas of your life. Appreciate the value you share to help others live on purpose Mey! Thanks!

    1. Thanks Brian and Felicia for your comment. I was surprised when I read how people can improve their eating, and money habits when they exercise regularly…glad you enjoyed reading =)