How Drinking Water Is The Key To Your Financial Freedom

How Drinking Water Is The Key To Your Financial Freedom

…Mey here on a freshly rained evening, with a light breeze coming in the window, blogging about How Drinking Water is the Key To Your Financial Freedom


…drinking water?

…Mey, what are you talking about this time?

…well, it’s true and I’m going to tell you exactly why in this blogpost…

…so, open your eyes, ears, get a glass of water and let’s begin…

Why Drink Water – The Health Benefits

…I could go on and on about the health benefits of drinking water…

…first you’ll be healthier, have more energy and a better complexion…

…your thinking will be clearer…

…this will lead you to make better decisions regarding everything in your life including your finances…

…this is all because you are going to be hydrated…

…you will be more efficient at work and probably be paid better or produce more…

…you will look and feel better thus having a better relationship with your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse…

…you get the picture…

Why Water? The Financial Benefits

…there’s more!

…if you stopped drinking coffee, beer, diet coke and taquilla shots, and instead drink water…

…you will have substantially more money to save and invest…

…if you are like the people here in Hawaii, you probably spend at least $10/day buying these kinds of drinks…

…in fact, if you like wine, beer or some types of hard liquor, you’ll probably save yourself another $100-$1000/week…

…so do the math…

…you save roughly $100/mo – $1,000/mo just by drinking water…

…that’s $1,200/year – $12,000/year!!!

…take that extra money and buy a dividend yielding stock or make a down payment on a rental property…

…in any case, the money you save will get you free faster than you can imagine…


…I hope you take this article seriously…

…what you put in your body can be nourishment if you choose wisely…

…and the money that you will save will make you free…

…so that you can be a leader that people can look up to, and gain hope and inspiration from…

…let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

…FYI I blog about Financial freedom because I love it!

…I want you to be financially free and I will stop at nothing to help you get there…

…what about you?

…is there something that you love so much that you could blog daily about it?

…that you could help the world by sharing your knowledge?

…if there is then CLICK HERE, watch the free video and get started…

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2 Replies to “How Drinking Water Is The Key To Your Financial Freedom”

  1. Mey, I can totally relate, great article. My wife and I have become total “water snobs” ever since we got our water ionizer to control the pH and ORP of the water we drink. It also filters it better than any of the bottled water, and OF COURSE it’s better than anything that comes out of our tap. We love it, drink way more than we used to, and it helps us both to reduce acid indigestion, etc. Enjoy living in a tropical paradise.