How Can You Be A Mom and Wife AND Make Money For Yourself?!?

How Can You Be A Mom and Wife AND Make Money For Yourself?!?

…Mey here on a Monday night masterminding with my friends Sheena and Candice blogging about How Can You Be A Mom and Wife AND Make Money For Yourself?!?

…seriously, women DO YOU FEEL ME?

…I’ve seen men make it to the top and wonder, do they have to change diapers in the middle of the night?

…do they clean up after the kids, put away all the clothes, clean the bathroom sink?

…so, if you’ve been there thinking this money thing is a man thing and only belongs in a man’s world, I UNDERSTAND!

…so let’s get real, right now…

…I’m about to help you ladies see exactly how you can use your female power to make more money…

Women Who Understand and Ask Questions Make More Money

…as a woman, if you want to make money for yourself you need to understand and question more about money…

…ask questions like:

“what is my budget?”

“how can I make money?”

“how can I save for myself?”

“how can I find ways to invest my money?”

“how can I learn about money?”

“what do I need money for and what is my goal?”

“what would it cost to hire someone else to do the work that I’m doing?”

“how do I get financial freedom in my marriage?”

…the more powerful questions that you ask yourself, the more you will see how you can make money for yourself, and start saving for your financial future…

A Mother’s Advantage

…a mother has a unique advantage over most people in that they have to be laser focused if they want to do something for themselves…

…they may have only an hour a day and they  use it very very wisely…

…they know what they need to do, how much sleep they need to get everynight, and how much food they need to eat to be the Mom they have to be…

…being a Mom takes patience, physical strength and attention…

…most of all it takes love…

…mother’s, realize how powerfully organized and effective you are, and use it to focus on these key things:

1) Save money for yourself regularly (pay yourself first…just like changing diapers, make it a necessity)

2) Focus at least 10-15 minutes a day or even a week to learn about dividends, interest and good investment options, this could be a call with your financial planner…

3) Stay laser focused, the work you do stabalizes society, creates peace…you raise the next generation…you can do this…finances are EASY compared with what you have to do…

<h2>Woman! You Are Stronger Than Him In So Many Ways, Use That To Make More Money By…</h2>

…I’ve noticed that I can hold my baby longer, walk greater distances, sleep less and get more done than my husband can…

…women tend to be stronger than men in practical matters like taking care of their children and doing practical things that will result in getting things done…

…so use that strength that you have and focus on money…

…there are women succeeding in making serious money…

…focus on what you can handle, saving…

…investing with a trusted advisor…

…maybe making money part time by blogging like me, or getting a part time job, or having your husband set up a regular transfer to your account…

…you can do this, and you need to think seriously about money because you will probably live longer and need more of it!


…I hope you understand that you are here in the company of a mother and a wife, who spends a lot of time enjoying her family…

…and makes money, makes passive income and saves regularly…

…woman, you can do it too!

…take that strength inside you and let it out…

…take care of yourself =)

…and if you think blogging about your passion for some extra money might be in the stars for you, then CLICK HERE, watch the free video and get started!



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2 Replies to “How Can You Be A Mom and Wife AND Make Money For Yourself?!?”

  1. Great post her Meylysa. You know I left the corporate world so I could come home and be mom to Hanalei. It was so important to me to not put her childcare. I love what you have to say today. Keep it up and live unstoppable!

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog today Rhonda! I have heard your story on stage and it always moves me. I appreciate you for being a Mom and Wife and amazing business woman…