Have You Ever Chased Money And Found Your Dream Life?
Mey here blogging on a Monday morning in beautiful Honolulu asking the powerful question Have You Ever Chased Money And Found Your Dream Life?
…when I decided I wanted to be Financially Free I knew what I wanted…
…I wanted to afford to live in a place where I could be with my boyfriend…
…I wanted to travel the world doing seminars and courses to create my best self…
…I wanted to learn from great minds, on how to be financially free, healthy and happy…
…and I wanted to dance more and enjoy the moment with like minded people =)
…just making that decision, was enough to bring the knowledge to me I needed to make my goals become more and more real…
…I ended up leaving the boyfriend and upgrading my room with a husband and my super cute and fun son (who loves to dance)…

…I ended up working with great minds pretty much on a daily basis and travel the world doing courses and seminars to create my best self…
…I chased money and found my dream life!
Living Your Dream Life Everyday
…the main thing that made my dreams come true was knowing what they were and going for them…
…a powerful intention is really all that you need in the end to get anything that you really want in your life…
…I just hope your intention will really make you happy…
…a lot of people would agree that living a vacation lifestyle where you are always swimming or playing tennis or lounging around is not actually very fulfilling…
…though it is nice once in a while…
…most people when they really take the time to think about what they want their dream life to be, will find that they have a calling…
…they have some mission that they were meant for…
…maybe it’s like Warren Buffet, who loves making money with sound investments…
…or maybe it’s Bill and Melinda Gates who are working to create a healthier and better educated world…
…or maybe you’re an artist, and your songs or paintings are meant to bring beauty and inspiration to the world…
…most people have a calling and that is really what makes their life fulfilling…
…and tapping into that, is the only way to make your dream life a reality…
…I hope this post opened your eyes to a different way of living…
…living your dream each and every day…
…personally, I’ve made a business of teaching people how to make their dream lives come true…
…that’s my calling…
…and it’s exciting for me when people open up their eyes to a bigger vision for their lives…
…there is a different way to live life…
…a life where you wake up excited to be alive…
…where you can create a dream lifestyle doing what makes you happy…
…I found my business model by word of mouth…
…I was taking a 90 day Leadership course and after masterminding what I love to do, one of our coaches told me that someone they knew was making money blogging…
…I would be able to do what I love, which is read, write and talk to people about personal development…
…and make the money to become financially free…
…That sound good to me…
…so I called him, and he sent me a link, and I got started…
…if that interests you too, then…
…CLICK HERE, watch the free video and get started!