Happy Lunar New Year

Happy Lunar New Year

Happy Lunar New Year!!!

It’s the year of the Metal Ox and I wanted to share with you a personal story about the lunar New Year.

My father and his family live in Taiwan, and they are celebrating the New Year yesterday (because of the time zone difference).

Some of you may not know that I lived in Taiwan for 5 years, after I graduated from College.

I got first hand experience with the Lunar New Year.

It is a time when you gather with family, like Christmas in the United States.

This year because of Covid there is not as much gathering.

In our family, the ladies would work super hard (that is the homemaker profession) and make a huge feast of yummy food like spring rolls.

We would go to temple and offer food to the village gods, and bai (hold incense and pray).

We would burn paper money for our ancestors.

There would be firecrackers and families would be hanging out, eating food all day and spending time together.

Since my father’s family would meet up in the southern tip of Taiwan, we would visit the ocean (too cold for swimming) and I would hike the nearby mountain.

When I lived there I was still a student and not a homemaker, though I did help out in the kitchen a little. Those ladies sure worked hard!

Now that I’m writing this blog I fully appreciate those ladies and the work that they do.

When I wasn’t a homemaker, I didn’t realize how much work it was!

Holidays are fun because you get to see family, but they are not relaxing.

They are a true labor of love, where you get to house and feed family who traveled from far away to be together.

I spend a lot of time as a homemaker, and it is something I love to do!

Especially now during this time of Covid, and with our 7 year old son being home most of the time (today is his only school day, and he goes for only 3 hours, from noon to 3pm).

I do his school work with him as well as all of the family duties I used to do.

I found a way to truly enjoy it, and I mean it when I say that.

I feel blessed to spend all of this time with Jordan, and also with my husband.

I enjoy taking him to the beach and the playground, teaching him to swim, helping him with his ukulele and his school work and just playing =)

I am so grateful that we have plenty of food to eat, and that I get to cook healthy meals for Jomel and Jordan.

I take Sundays off from being a homemaker to stay refreshed and happy about what I do.

I also meditate and do our investing and financial freedom work early in the mornings, before my family wakes up!

If you want to spend time with your family, and your finances are stopping you, then I suggest you join Finance Freedom Mastermind.

I designed the Mastermind for working parents who want to quit their jobs, or work part time, and spend more time with their families.

CLICK HERE, watch the free video and get started!

Happy Lunar New Year and Gong Xi Fa Cai (wishing you prosperity)!

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