From $350,000 in Debt to Buying Our First Condo in Waikiki

From $350,000 in Debt to Buying Our First Condo in Waikiki

When Jomel and I got married in August of 2012, we had a combined debt of $350,000. By April of 2016 we had not debt, I quit my job in December, and we just bought our first condo in Waikiki on August 28, 2017.

Now I live a dream life, where I get to be a full time Mom, work my online business part time, and I spend lots of time enjoying the beautiful beaches and outdoor fun of Hawaii.

After being over $350,000 in debt with credit cards, consumer loans, a car loan, a bad mortgage…

Now we finally bought our first property together, a condo in Waikiki!!!!!

How did we do it?

How did we pay off all of that $350,000+ debt by April 2016?

How did we accumulate the $75,000+ down payment for our condo?

How do we still make $500+/mo in passive income and growing?

I’ll tell you so keep reading…

Do you ever get the feeling you are about to explode with anxiety, anger or even sadness…over all of the mistakes you made?

I’ve been there, I think I spent a whole year crying everyday.

I was brooding over my problems, instead of looking for solutions.

I was wallowing in my pain, instead of being proactive and helping myself.

I finally got out of that when I made one decision.

I decided that there must be something better for me, and that I was going to make it happen.

Even though at the time I was at rock bottom, that was when everything started to change.

It’s just like you’re in a dark tunnel, and suddenly one pebble falls through and you can see a tiny speck of light shining in.  

Then you start chipping away at that speck and more and more light starts to shine through.

It took us less than 5 years, but can you imagine how much light you can let in if you chip away everyday for 5 years?

So some people think what we did was just unbelievable, and yet, if you follow the right actions, everyday, little by little, you can create abundance and wealth.

You can be just like us, getting ready to head out for another 2 week vacation…to Los Angeles, California.

…and then on a 7 day cruise from LA to Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan and Cabos San Lucas in Mexico!

That will be 5 weeks of vacation in 2017 alone…imagine what it will be like in 2018!!!

5 years ago when I took a vacation I either stayed home or went to a marketing event or a personal growth seminar.

Often times I would get sick during my “vacations” because all the stress from my job built out and my body broke down when I finally did something different.

Well now I go on vacation and I’m healthy, and I’m enjoying time with my family.

I’m finally taking real vacations.

Oh, and it was paid for in cash…not credit.

We don’t carry credit balances for consumer purchases!

So I promised you that I would tell you how we did it.

Well, now maybe you can see:

– for 5 years every time we got paid we put aside at least 10% and paid ourselves first

– for 5 years we invested in passive income generating investments

– for 5 years we paid back / off our loans

– for 5 years we consolidated our debts to lower interest rates

– for 5 years I haggled with my creditors and got them to lower my interest rates

– my husband did a short sale of the home that was underwater with the interest only 1st and 2nd mortgages

– for 5 years I charted my Cash Flow, Net Worth, Passive Income and Financial Freedom Account

– for 5 years I budgeted my money and stopped using credit

– for 5 years we lowered our expenses and increased our incomes

– for 5 years I studied books like
…The Values Factor by Dr. John DeMartini,
…The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason,
…Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker,
…Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki,
…Money is my Friend by Phil Laut,
…It’s Not About the Money by Brent Kessel
…the list goes on

5 years can change your life.

It changed mine.

It changed my husband’s.

And it changed my son’s life.

What can 5 years of mentoring and taking small daily steps towards financial freedom do for your life?


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