Free Essential Tools For Making Loans To Friends And Family THAT Make A Good Return

Free Essential Tools For Making Loans To Friends And Family THAT Make A Good Return

…have you ever had a friend or family member ask you for a loan?

…did you know what to do to make sure you would get your money back and a good return?

…did you know there are tools you can use to help you make profitable loans to your friends and family where everyone wins?!?

…read on to get your loan making tools today!

  1. Free Credit Reports

    …what do all banks require to see before then lend money?

    …a credit report of course!

    …if you are in the United States, one great tool is knowing where to send your loan prospect to get their free annual credit report…

    …have them pull it and give you a copy…

    …you need this to know if they are credit worthy or not…

    …on a credit report, there are many lines with banks that they have borrowed money from…such as credit cards, student loans, car loans, mortgages…

    …so what you do is look at each line, and make sure that they pay their debt on time…

    …if you don’t understand how to read the credit report, you can look on the website for the credit report for information on how to read them…

    …or just google or youtube a search for people explaining how to read credit reports…

    …it’s important that you understand the credit report…

    …if you see that they are not paying on time…

    …then find out why, and decide if it is wise to lend to them…

    …because if they don’t pay on time, then they won’t pay you on time…

    Click Here to Learn More About Free Credit Reports

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  2. Free Online Payment (Amorization) Schedule Makers

    …now that you know that your friend or family member is credit worthy, you can now loan them money….

    …so how do you know what their monthly payment will be and how much interest you will make?

    …that’s where you use an online payment schedule maker…

    …these are free tools that help you organize what the payments will be every month, and how long they will have to pay…

    …it’s good to print it out, and you can make your payment contract on that schedule if you want…

    …just have both parties sign and agree to the terms of the loan, on who is paying back who, and that it will be paid according to the schedule…

    …be sure to put in information on penalty and interest if they pay late…

    Click Here to Learn More About Free Online Payment (Amorization) Schedule Makers

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…did you enjoy these free tools on how to make smart loans to your friends and family?

…then share this post with your friends and family!

…lending to the people closest to us can be very rewarding for both parties, as long as it’s done wisely!

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2 Replies to “Free Essential Tools For Making Loans To Friends And Family THAT Make A Good Return”

  1. Hi Meylysa, very informative post! I can definitely use this stuff. I appreciate you for sharing it. 🙂 Keep it up!

    1. Thank you for reading the post Pj…have you ever made a loan to friends or family that was actually profitable?