Follow These 6 Steps To Find Your Life’s Purpose

Follow These 6 Steps To Find Your Life’s Purpose

Do you know have a life purpose statement posted somewhere in your house or in your wallet?

Do you know what your life’s purpose is?

Do you want to create a life’s purpose statement in the next 15 minutes by just reading and following the steps in this blog?

Well, if you answered yes, then let’s start!

In today’s blog, I am going to help you create your life’s purpose statement with an exercise from pages 39 – 40 of the book Money Is My Friend by Phil Laut.

You can also follow along in the video as well, as I go through each of these 6 steps below:

  1. Write 10 – 20 personality characteristics that you like about yourself. e.g. my sense of humor, my determination, my love for my family, my desire to serve
  2. Select your 4 or 5 favorite personality characteristics
  3. Referring to these 4 or 5 favorites from step 2, make a list of ten or twenty ways that you enjoy expressing these characteristics. e.g. writing, talking, taking my children on outings
  4. From the list you made in step 3, pick 4 or 5 favorites
  5. Write a brief statement (25 words or less) of your vision of an ideal world. Write this vision in the present tense, and in terms of how you want it to be, rather than how you want it not to be.
  6. Put this all together into a complete sentence in the following format. The purpose of my life is to use my (insert your favorite items from step 2) by (insert your favorite items from step 4) so that (insert your vision of an ideal world).

Here’s what I came up with after doing this exercise 5 times:

The purpose of my life is to use my playfulness, love, intuition, energy and creativity by meditating, coaching, laughing, hugging, and investing so that we care for one another, enjoy life in the present moment and are healthy and living to our highest potential.

What’s yours? Write it in the comments below!

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