Financial Freedom Capacity Test – Find Out Your Score

Financial Freedom Capacity Test – Find Out Your Score

Today’s blog is a Financial Freedom Capacity Test – Find Out Your Score

Answer the questions below and then :

  1. Do you believe that you could be financially free? Yes or No
  2. Do you choose to become financially free? Yes or No
  3. How often do you calculate your Net Worth? Regularly, Sometimes or Never
  4. How much of your expenses can be cut back and your quality of life will remain the same or improve? Less than $100/month, between $100 and $1,000/month, more than $1,000/month
  5. How much money do you make without working? huh, some but not enough to pay for all of my expenses, enough to pay for all of my expenses
  6. How do you provide value to others outside of your job or income source? I don’t know, I’m a homemaker, other
  7. How much passive income do you make? I don’t know, Just bank interest or Multiple streams that I’m growing
  8. How much money do you have after you pay all of your bills? None, I don’t know or More than zero
  9. How do you feel about money? I love it, I hate it, I have other feelings about money
  10. How much time do you spend learning about money and financial freedom? No time, Less than an hour a week, More than an hour a week

Now tally up your Yes and No answers (maximum of either is 2).

If you have 1 Yes answer then you have the capacity to become financially free. The more YES answers you have (maximum of 2), the higher your capacity is for financial freedom.

The rest of the questions are there to help you think thoughts that will help you create financial freedom.

The truth is, you just have to have a mindset that you can and choose to be financially free. The rest will unfold in your life from those core beliefs.

Don’t believe me?

Join my e-mail list by filling in your first name and e-mail address on the right side of this blog and do the 66 Day Create a Financial Freedom Mindset Challenge with us. We’re on Day #41 today.

It’s free. The only thing you need to do to become financially free is to make a decision for yourself now.

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