Finance Freedom Christmas Celebration Dec 23 @ 4pm HST / 9pm EST
You are INVITED to our annual Finance Freedom Christmas Celebration on December 23 @ 4pm HST / 9pm EST!!!
We celebrate every year with a party on this day because this is the last day I worked at my bank job in 2016.
I had made the leap and a major commitment to being financially free no matter what, and I celebrate it with Finance Freedom Mastermind members every year since!!!
So, finance freedom mastermind members and alumni and their families are free to join us without charge. Just e-mail me or text me to RSVP.
All others are welcome to join us on the Zoom party – CLICK HERE and pay $25 for your event ticket.
We will be:
1) Playing the board game Cash Flow online
2) Choosing and Receiving Your Favorite Dividend Stocks as a Christmas Gift – That’s a gift that keeps on giving =)
3) Getting to know each other better and make new friends
Looking forward to celebrating with you online =)