Doing More Than What You Are Paid For

Doing More Than What You Are Paid For

…Mey here on a cooler Wednesday night listening to Michael Martin on the Empower Hour and blogging about Doing More Than What You Are Paid For

…have you ever heard a coworker tell you that they refuse to do something because it’s not what they are paid for?

…ever been that person yourself?

…I have been there, especially when I want to go home and be with my kids, and work out at the gym, and be just be at home!

…according to Napoleon Hill in his book The Law of Success, one of the laws of success is to get into the HABIT OF DOING MORE THAN YOU ARE PAID…


…if you do more than you are paid for then you will later be compensated, and this will ensure you growing your wealth…

…he has a story of when he was asked to give a lecture at a college, and was paid for his travel and a $100 speaking fee…

…when he arrived he has such a warm welcome, and met so many new people and learned so many new things, that he told the school that they could keep the $100, as he had gotten more value than the effort he had put forth…

…well, the dean of the school gathered the students, and told them that he was the first speaker to ever refuse the fee, and recommended that all the students subscribe to his national magazine…

…and that week, he earned $6,000 in subscriptions, and for a long time after, even more subscriptions!

…where can you pay $100 and get that kind of return?

…he got it by doing more than he was paid, in fact, he didn’t get paid at all…

…and he had felt satisfied with the connections and new friends he had made and the new ideas that he had learned…

…and yet, he was compensated much more than if he had accepted the $100…


…well, it has to do with getting what you put out…

…if you want more money than you have to do more than you are paid for…

…this creates a void which needs to be filled later on with money to you…

…everything in the world is fair and calculated and if you do more than you are paid now, and aren’t compensated for a while…

…then the money that will come to you will be compounded…

…so, get in the habit of doing more than you are paid…

…and you will build your wealth!

What about you?

Do you do more than you are paid?

Tell us in the comments below1

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