Docter Pays off $600,000 in Debt in a Year – Interview with Spending Coach Franchelle Ceasar, MD
Check out this interview with Spending Coach Franchelle Ceasar, MD, founder of School for Financial Spenders at https://OneMillionSpenders.com
Today we had the privilege of interviewing Franchelle Ceasar, MD, who is the founder and spending coach at the Financial School for Spenders.
She spoke about how she was a doctor practicing in a hospital and after having her twins realized she didn’t want to be a doctor anymore. So she paid off $600,000 of debt in a year, saved up and then quit her job!
Now she has time to spend with her kids and is helping spenders to save money and reach their financial goals!
She talked about some common tricks our mind plays:
- All or none – people find it hard to get started on their money or budgeting because they feel like there’s too much to even start. He program asks participants to just do an hour a week and chip away at their finances.
- Staircase – some times people come right back to the same problem, but they are higher up on the staircase this time. They have more knowledge and can solve whatever financial issue is repeating in a quicker and better way.
- Seeker – if you are looking for perfection and paying for lots of education or courses and it’s creating debt and taking away from your financial goals.
- Wanting to Be in the Cool Crowd – Franchelle was spending money on courses to be with the same group of friends, and when she realized this she could stop overspending on courses.
- The New Zero – if you save money up to a goal like $500, then pretend that $500 is a new zero. This is to stop yourself from spending your savings.
You can reach her at https://onemillionspenders.com or on https://instagram/onemillionspenders
Listen to the full interview to see how she paid off the debt, hear about some of her success stories and and also take her spending quiz on her instagram page!