DIY Build And Balance Your Investment Portfolio
Want to build and balance your own investment portfolio but don’t know how?
Did you try looking for a fiduciary advisor and found they won’t work with you because you have less than $500,000 to invest?
Do you feel stupid paying an investment advisor, who just leaves your money in the same growth fund all the time?
Do you even know how much you pay your investment advisor?
If you want to learn how to build and balance your own investment portfolio, then this video training series is for you.
We will go over everything from the absolute basic, like how to open a brokerage account and what is an index fund.
At the end, you will know how to build and also balance your own portfolio.
Not sure what portfolio to use?
We will be going over the All Seasons Portfolio by Ray Dalio, recommended in Tony Robbins book Money Master The Game.
Which has the following allocation:
7.5% Gold
7.5% Commodities
15% Intermediate Term US Treasury Bonds
30% Stocks
40% Long Term US Treasury Bonds
This video training series is priced at $297 for one year access and comes with a free bonus.
You will have access to me in Office Hour every Wednesday (except holidays) at 6:15am HST / 12:15pm EST, for a year.
This is an online Zoom meeting where you can join and ask any questions you may have as you go through the video trainings!
For a limited time, since I am building the program, we have pre-launch pricing of $197 for the video course for a full year!
Hurry and act now!
CLICK HERE, get started, and watch your first video training!