Create a Financially Free Mindset 66 Day Challenge

Create a Financially Free Mindset 66 Day Challenge

It’s time to Create a Financially Free Mindset with a Challenge!!!

I’ve been meeting and doing the actions to create Financial Freedom pretty much every week since 2016…wow that’s 8 years already!

According to research on habit formation it takes an average of 66 days to form a habit, but it’s very individual. So the range was between 18 days and 254 days!

This Ted Talk I watched said he formed an obssessive habit after 100 days of swimming outdoors.

So I’m starting a 66 day challenge to Change OUR Mindset to Financial Freedom!!!

If you are on my e-mail list then you are on the challenge.  If not then opt in now by going to my contact page and filling in your first name and e-mail address!

You will instantly get a free e-book sent to your e-mail inbox titled Working Parents Guide to Financial Freedom so be sure to find that e-mail.  It might be in your SPAM Folder.  Mark it as a safe e-mail so you get my future e-mails.

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