About Jomel How To Use Money To Bring Out That Sacred Mission In Your Heart

How To Use Money To Bring Out That Sacred Mission In Your Heart

Mey here on a POWERFUL Tuesday morning blogging about How To Use Money To Bring Out That Sacred Mission In Your Heart…

…what do you think of when you hear the word money?

…do you have emotions rise up that you can or can’t explain?

…does it make you happy or does it make you nervous or angry?

…money has a lot of energy around it…

…what if I were to tell you how to harness that energy?

…how to use money to bring out that sacred mission in your heart?

…read on until the end my friend because this article will change not only your life, but the lives of your family…

…it will change the lives of the entire community that you live in, which is far greater than you think…

About Jomel What Did You Do With The Money From Your Wedding Reception?

What Did You Do With The Money From Your Wedding Reception?

Mey here blogging about the interesting question What Did You Do With The Money From Your Wedding Reception?

…on your wedding day how much money did you get from gifts from your guests?

…what did you do with that money?

…did you buy dishes and appliances?

…did you put it in a joint savings account?

…what if you I told you that we invested that money and now we get paid monthly from that initial investment and I’m going to tell you how to do it too?

About Mey 5 Danger Signs That Signal For Help In Your Finances

5 Danger Signs That Signal For Help In Your Finances

…Mey here on a breezy Tuesday morning blogging about the 5 Danger Signs That Signal For Help In Your Finances…

…so, I used to be in a very dangerous place when it came to my finances…

…and I didn’t realize that I could ask for help…

…so in this post I share with you the 5 Danger Signs and also how you can get the help that you need…

About Mey How Can You Be A Mom and Wife AND Make Money For Yourself?!?

How Can You Be A Mom and Wife AND Make Money For Yourself?!?

…Mey here on a Monday night masterminding with my friends Sheena and Candice blogging about How Can You Be A Mom and Wife AND Make Money For Yourself?!?

…seriously, women DO YOU FEEL ME?

…I’ve seen men make it to the top and wonder, do they have to change diapers in the middle of the night?

…do they clean up after the kids, put away all the clothes, clean the bathroom sink?

…so, if you’ve been there thinking this money thing is a man thing and only belongs in a man’s world, I UNDERSTAND!

…so let’s get real, right now…

…I’m about to help you ladies see exactly how you can use your female power to make more money…

About Jomel [VIDEO] Holiday Greetings From The Duldulao Family

[VIDEO] Holiday Greetings From The Duldulao Family

…Mey here with a video that Jomel took yesterday of us putting up the Christmas tree with our 2 year old son Jordan – Holiday Greetings From The Duldulao Family!

FYI – this is time lapse photography on the Iphone, pretty cool huh?

Wishing you and your family a healthy, fun and wealthy holiday season!


Jomel, Jordan, Mey and Theresa

Cash Flow Scientific Study Shows Why People Are Happier During Christmas

Scientific Study Shows Why People Are Happier During Christmas

…Mey here blogging before bedtime, just put up the Christmas tree today, blogging about Scientific Study Shows Why People Are Happier During Christmas…

…so, why do people feel so happy and jolly around Christmas time?

…well, I always thought growing up that it was because I got to have gifts!

…and then we got to eat good food and see all of our relatives…

…well, that is all still true…

…however, scientific studies have also shown that spending money on other people makes people happy…

…spending money on ourselves, which is what we do all year, does not make people happier…

…so the season of giving is such a happy season because so many of us are spending a lot of time, spending money on the people that we love, or giving to charity…

…I feel pretty happy and I spent all evening searching to spend money on others…

…what about you?

Exercises How To Use Words To Create Wealth

How To Use Words To Create Wealth

…Mey here on a Monday morning blogging about a sometimes overlooked skill – How To Use Words To Create Wealth…

…words can be very powerful if used properly…

…in order to use words to create wealth, you must understand the nature of words…

…words are an extention of us and our thoughts…

…they can be so powerful that what we say actually comes to be…

…or they can mean very little, and have no power at all…

…this post is dedicated to helping you understand the power of your words and show you how to use them to create wealth…

Inspiration Why You Becoming Financially Free Makes The World A Better Place

Why You Becoming Financially Free Makes The World A Better Place

…Mey here on a Sunday evening after going on a Sushi dinner date night with my hubby and seeing Creed, now getting my inspiration on and tapping into the Soul Of The World and blogging about Why You Becoming Financially Free Makes The World A Better Place…

…it may sound funny to you but a lot of people are afraid to strive for being wealthy, rich and financially free…

…they think that they are being greedy or selfish…

…well, I’m here to tell you that it’s a myth and that the truth (and it will set you free) is that YOU (yes I’m talking to you) becoming financially free will indeed make the world a better place…

…here’s why…

Exercises You Can Have It All…And Here’s How

You Can Have It All…And Here’s How

…Mey here listening to truly inspiring music which you can play while you read this post on You Can Have It All…And Here’s How…

…some people think that the idea of having it all is greedy…

…it depends on how you look at it…

…when I write you can have it all, I mean that you can have all that you want to be happy and feel fulfilled…

…this is really what everyone wants anyway…

…and it’s actually noble, and brave, and our destiny to have it all…

…and it is possible…

…it’s possible for you…

…and here’s how…