21 Day Blogging Challenge How Fast Can I Double My Investment? The Rule of 72 for Dummies…

How Fast Can I Double My Investment? The Rule of 72 for Dummies…

…so how fast can I double my investment and can someone please explain the Rule of 72 in a simple way….for dummies?

…here is the explanation that you are looking for, and you can find some really nifty calculators HERE…

…I think we all know that money grows faster at higher interest rates yes?

…so if we are going to put money in a savings account or a bond, we want to have the highest rate possible (in this rate environment it will probably be around 2% max)…

…now, if we owe money, we want to lowest rate possible, so that we can pay the least amount of interest…

…however, did you know that there is a rule that allows you to calculate how many years it will take for your money to double and a certain interest rate?

Investing 3 Most Informative Videos on How To Make Money Renting Real Estate

3 Most Informative Videos on How To Make Money Renting Real Estate

…some people think that the safest investments are in real estate…

…however, becoming a landlord is a career and it has a lot of issues associated it…

…this post will educate you with the most-informative videos on how to be an effective landlord and make money through rental income…

Planning and Action Three Financial Freedom Hacks That Will MAKE YOU YOUR OWN BANK

Three Financial Freedom Hacks That Will MAKE YOU YOUR OWN BANK

Why not be your own BANK?

Did you ever think that all that interest that you are paying to the bank could go to you instead?

I started out as most people do, borrowing on credit cards, then shifting the debt to personal loans with lower interest rates, then borrowing on the credit card again and having both loans and credit card debt, then cutting up the cards…

…all of that was really good for my banks…

….they got the interest and I finally realized, I needed to BE MY OWN BANK…

…so I learned 3 hacks that turned me into a bank….


Budgeting Can You Really Succeed with Financial Freedom?

Can You Really Succeed with Financial Freedom?

Most people want to live the life of their dreams, and yet only 5% of people actually achieve their goals…and of that 5% only 1% are happy with achieving them.

Do you want to be happy?

Do you want to live the life of your dreams?

Did you ever think that achieving your current wealth goal…maybe live in a mansion…or own a fancy car…MAY NOT MAKE YOU HAPPY?

Why is that?

…and what is it that you REALLY WANT?


I’m sharing videos on financial freedom…