Budgeting How Much Money Do You Spend on Entertainment?

How Much Money Do You Spend on Entertainment?

…Mey here in Kissaten Cafe How Much Money Do You Spend on Entertainment?

…really, do you spend more per month on meals, movies, drinking, tips and fun THAN on savings?

…do you budget your money and even know how much you spend?

…I was listening today to The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon Hilland he had so many examples of people spending between 1/3 to more than their salary…

…one young man was embezzling money from his insurance commissions to buy alcohol and ended up going to jail…

…do you think it’s important to limit spending on Entertainment?

…how much would you spend?

…what is the ideal percent we should be spending on Entertainment?

Budgeting Can You Really Succeed with Financial Freedom?

Can You Really Succeed with Financial Freedom?

Most people want to live the life of their dreams, and yet only 5% of people actually achieve their goals…and of that 5% only 1% are happy with achieving them.

Do you want to be happy?

Do you want to live the life of your dreams?

Did you ever think that achieving your current wealth goal…maybe live in a mansion…or own a fancy car…MAY NOT MAKE YOU HAPPY?

Why is that?

…and what is it that you REALLY WANT?


I’m sharing videos on financial freedom…