Books Where Do You Rank on the Global Rich List?

Where Do You Rank on the Global Rich List?

…Mey here at my desk and found the Global Rich List, which will show you where you rank in the world in terms of your wealth…

…I found this link when reading A Spiritual Renegade’s Guide to the Good Life by Lama Marut…

…you put in your Networth or your Income, and it will tell you where you rank in the world in terms of wealth…

…and he mentioned it to make a point…

…that we have everything that we need to be happy, and that life is pretty good for us…

Mindset Money and Happiness

Money and Happiness

Hi from the desk of Mey Duldulao on a Tuesday evening and I wanted to talk to you about money and happiness…

…I work in an internet business where people often come in super excited to make lots of money online…

…and when I ask them why oftentimes they tell me that a bigger house, or vacations, or whatever they want is going to make them happy…

…and that’s where I ask “Did you know that you can be happy right now, and it has NOTHING to do with money?”

Mindset 17 Tips on How to Create Empowering Habits

17 Tips on How to Create Empowering Habits

…what if you could live your life doing what you love AND become financially free, AND live your dream life, AND give the greatest service to the world…

…what if it was automatic?

…well, it can be if you form empowering habits…

…this post shares 17 tips to creating empowering habits…

…since this blog is about financial freedom, we will focus on the habit of saving at least 10% of your income…

…let’s do this!

Mindset Are You Making this Critical Financial Freedom Mistake?

Are You Making this Critical Financial Freedom Mistake?

Mey here writing from my desk in sunny Hawaii with a very important question for you: Are you making a critical financial freedom mistake?

…what does that mean, a financial freedom mistake?

…it means you are going for your dreams and want financial freedom and yet…

…you are making the BIGGEST CRITICAL MISTAKE that takes you in the opposite direction…

…first I’ll demonstrate the symptoms of your mistake…

Mindset 5 Most Popular Wealth, Abundance and Prosperity Subliminal Programming Videos

5 Most Popular Wealth, Abundance and Prosperity Subliminal Programming Videos

…sometimes it’s nice to kick back, relax, and listen to subliminal programming that you want in your life…

…like messages telling you that you have wealth, and your life is abundant…

…and that you are a money magnet…

…listen to them while you sleep and reprogram your subconscious mind!

…this may be one of the most transformative posts you ever read on the internet…

…so bookmark this, listen, and reprogram your mind…

Inspiration 3 Keys To Allow You To Bring Your Passion To Your Purpose

3 Keys To Allow You To Bring Your Passion To Your Purpose

…having passions is great, but it isn’t enough…

…passion without purpose will lead to addiction instead of our true power…

…in order to live to our utmost, we need to introduce our passion to our purpose…

…this post will help you find ways to bring that passion towards your purpose…

Mindset How To Change Your Money Habits And Become Financially Free

How To Change Your Money Habits And Become Financially Free

Did you know that there is a way to change your money habits?

…what are your habits?

…do you spend everything that you make?

…do you work in a low paying job?

…do you give away your money to family and friends or charities?

…or do you save money and use it to become financially free?

…this post will help you change the habits that aren’t serving you, and start saving at least 10% of all that you make…

Mindset The Law of Circulation and Wealth

The Law of Circulation and Wealth

…Reverend Michael Beckwith speaks at Agape every Wednesday evening and Sunday morning on the power of circulation…

…he says that you can only receive what you give away…

…you might be asking, why would I give it away if I want to have it?

…well, if you want to be wealthy, then you must participate in the circulation of money, by providing value and also consuming it…

Mindset 643 Affirmations For Financial Freedom, Wealth, Abundance, Money and Prosperity

643 Affirmations For Financial Freedom, Wealth, Abundance, Money and Prosperity

…so, you know that affirmations can change your thinking, and you want to change it to have financial abundance and financial freedom?

…however, you don’t know what affirmations to use…

…you are not sure which ones are more powerful for you in your life situation…

…what works for one person may not work for another…

…I’ve taken the time to gather the highest quality affirmations from the internet, books and wealthy individuals who are highly successful…

…read this blog post and choose or modify some and make your own list of daily affirmations…

…visit it again and again as you change to change and grow your affirmations list…