Exercises How Free Are You – Find Your Financial Freedom Score

How Free Are You – Find Your Financial Freedom Score

…this is Mey here on a rainy and peaceful Monday morning, what a beautiful day to start a magnificent week, blogging about How Free Are You – Find Your Financial Freedom Score…

…so, some would say that you are or you aren’t financially free…

…like turning on and off a switch…

…and this is true, because if you are financially free, you don’t need to work anymore…

…however, there is also another way to determine how free you are, and that is your Financial Freedom Score…

…it’s a way to measure progress…

…and there are 2 scores you can calculate…

…one measures your time freedom…

…the other measures your money freedom…

…go ahead and find out your scores below…

About Mey How Valuable Is Your Time?

How Valuable Is Your Time?

Mey here on a cool Thursday morning, with the rain gently patting on the plants outside of my window, writing to you about one of the key questions to your financial freedom…How Valuable Is Your Time?

…to me, all of our financial freedom journey or quest really comes down to this one idea of the value of our time…

…because money isn’t what we are ultimately after when we want to be financially free…

…of course, we do need enough money to support ourselves and allow us to make choices regarding our lifestyle…

…the real indicator though of freedom is the value of our time…

…we want to have control over our own time…

…we want to be able to spend our time our way, by our own choice…

How Valuable Is Your Time?

…so, here are some questions to help you realize how much value you are putting on your time…

…most people agree that the most precious times in their lives are with their children and family…

…to be there for them for sporting events, or weddings, or just to play with your kids and share with each other on a daily basis…

…so do you take the time to do that?

Inspiration Why Is Financial Abundance Everywhere?

Why Is Financial Abundance Everywhere?

…Mey here on a breezy and starry Wednesday evening, while my husband and son are out enjoying the night air together, blogging about Why Is Financial Abundance Everywhere?

…what is your reaction to that question?

…are you thinking that it isn’t everywhere in your life?

…or are you thinking of all the abundance in your life that you didn’t really notice before?

…I pose this question on purpose because it is truly how I feel, and it triggers in the brain that we need to pay attention because financial abundance is everywhere!

…think about it, I have this amazing computer with a wireless mouse and keyboard that I’m blogging on daily to help people all over the world become financially free…

…it’s the most amazing experience and it’s possible because of how rich, prosperous and wealth we all are living in the US, or UK, or Taiwan, or wherever it is that you live…

…you are reading this right now which means you are just swimming in a boundless sea of financial wealth and abundance…

Mindset Why You Matter…Why You Are Powerful

Why You Matter…Why You Are Powerful

…Mey here on Monday morning bright and early blogging about Why You Matter…Why You Are Powerful…

…what does this have to do with Financial Freedom you say…EVERYTHING…

…you see, we create in the world what we ARE…

…if you are financially free then those people around you will be inspired to become financially free as well…

…we all lead by example…

…let me tell you a story with my experience and maybe you can relate too…

…I used to bike to work when I was working in downtown Honolulu…

…I would get in the elevator in my bike clothes every morning and at the end of the work day…

…one day, a lady who I did not know came up to me and said “I saw you biking in and out of work everyday and it inspired me, so I started working out at the gym everyday, and I wanted to thank you.”…

Books The Science of the Habits of Financially Free People: How to Achieve Results Fast

The Science of the Habits of Financially Free People: How to Achieve Results Fast

…Mey here on a warm Sunday evening, after a day of cycling, playing in the sand and the ocean, I write to you about The Science of the Habits of Financially Free People: How to Achieve Results Fast…

…everything that we do automatically without having to thing about (driving a car, scrambling an egg, putting on our clothes) is the result of habits that we have formed…

…we need habits to learn new routines and function…

…however, there are habits that allow us also to be financially free as well…

…read on to learn about the Habits of People Who Are Financially Free…

Inspiration 3 Tragic True Stories About Money Gained and Lost – And How You Can Learn From Them

3 Tragic True Stories About Money Gained and Lost – And How You Can Learn From Them

…Mey here on a humid Halloween evening blogging about 3 Tragic Stories About Money Gained and Lost – And How You Can Learn From Them…

…we learn a lot from stories, some would argue that it is the only way we really learn anything…

…well, if you can learn from these 3 tragic stories then it will have been worth my effort in telling them to you…

…all the stories written below are true, however, the names have been changed to mask their identities…

…on this night, we bring up the dead to allow the living to learn how to be better with their money…

About Mey 3 Books That Changed My Life Instantly

3 Books That Changed My Life Instantly

…Mey here on a Thursday morning, winter is coming, it is dark and cooler outside, grateful for my son and husband and my mom and our beautiful home here in Honolulu HI, blogging about 3 Books That Changed My Life Instantly…

…ever read a book and then INSTANTLY, your life changed for the better?

…you had an AH HAH moment and then BOOM, instantly you were a better person?

…sometimes a book can change you slowly, sometimes it has an impact years later, however, these 3 books changed my life the second I read the life changing words that were found in them…

…the first helped me lose 3 pounds easily in 2 weeks without any change to how much I exercise…

…the second gave me more money in my bank account every month…

…and the third helped me live in every moment, and appreciate how extraordinary life really is…

Books How Sleeping ALL DAY Can Help You Become Financially Free

How Sleeping ALL DAY Can Help You Become Financially Free

…Mey here on a beautiful Wednesday morning, with an Inner Circle audio playing and the birds singing outside, blogging about How Sleeping ALL DAY Can Help You Become Financially Free…



…that’s right…

…that’s what I said…

…I was reading Money Is My Friend by Phil Laut and he had an exercise in there…

…he said to take one day and do absolutely nothing…

…like that song “Today I’m Not Going To Do Anything, I’m just going to lay in my bed”…


Mindset Why Do You Want To Be Financially Free?

Why Do You Want To Be Financially Free?

…Mey here blogging after a great day of swimming, beach time with the family and a movie date night, blogging about Why Do You Want To Be Financially Free?

…if you are reading my blog and have a burning desire to be financially free I will now ask you again, Why Do You Want To Be Financially Free?

…you’d be surprised how many people I meet who say they want to be financially free and when I ask them why, they don’t have an answer…

…have you really considered it?

The Truth About What Happens To Those Who Become Financially Free

…think about it, when you are financially free, what will happen?

…your friends at work will not relate to you anymore, and won’t have time to hangout with you except after work, if they even have the time…

…you will have more choices than most people have…

…you will not relate to most people…

…to some, that’s pretty daunting…

…especially if you like fitting in…

…just like in the movie The Shawshank Redemption, when some inmates are released from prison after a long sentence, they don’t know what to do with themselves, or how to be happy with their new freedom…

…in Timothy Ferriss’ book The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich, he talks about when he finally achieved location and time freedom and he just didn’t know what to do with himself…

…he was sleeping and depressed for a day before he decided to go take an action – eat dinner…

…this is not the first story I’ve heard of friends becoming free, and then genuinely unhappy in the beginning, and confused…

…eventually, they find their why…

Mindset Little Known Secrets that Will Change the Way You Think About Scheduling Your Day For Financial Freedom

Little Known Secrets that Will Change the Way You Think About Scheduling Your Day For Financial Freedom

…hi, it’s Mey here after a wonderful day of parasailing and great food with the family, settling down to write about Little Known Secrets that Will Change the Way You Think About Scheduling Your Day For Financial Freedom…

…so, how do you schedule your day?

…if you’re like most people, you hear an alarm…

…then jump out of bed, get yourself ready for work, maybe get the kids ready for school, and the off you go, or you send off your spouse and kids…

…and you wonder when you are still living paycheck to paycheck…

…and you don’t do these Little Known Secrets to Scheduling For Financial Freedom…