About Mey 3 Books That Changed My Life Instantly

3 Books That Changed My Life Instantly

…Mey here on a Thursday morning, winter is coming, it is dark and cooler outside, grateful for my son and husband and my mom and our beautiful home here in Honolulu HI, blogging about 3 Books That Changed My Life Instantly…

…ever read a book and then INSTANTLY, your life changed for the better?

…you had an AH HAH moment and then BOOM, instantly you were a better person?

…sometimes a book can change you slowly, sometimes it has an impact years later, however, these 3 books changed my life the second I read the life changing words that were found in them…

…the first helped me lose 3 pounds easily in 2 weeks without any change to how much I exercise…

…the second gave me more money in my bank account every month…

…and the third helped me live in every moment, and appreciate how extraordinary life really is…

Books How Sleeping ALL DAY Can Help You Become Financially Free

How Sleeping ALL DAY Can Help You Become Financially Free

…Mey here on a beautiful Wednesday morning, with an Inner Circle audio playing and the birds singing outside, blogging about How Sleeping ALL DAY Can Help You Become Financially Free…



…that’s right…

…that’s what I said…

…I was reading Money Is My Friend by Phil Laut and he had an exercise in there…

…he said to take one day and do absolutely nothing…

…like that song “Today I’m Not Going To Do Anything, I’m just going to lay in my bed”…


About Mey Money Is My Friend – Passive Income Key I Learned From Phil Laut

Money Is My Friend – Passive Income Key I Learned From Phil Laut

Mey here on a lovely Thursday, blogging about Money Is My Friend – Passive Income Key I Learned From Phil Laut…

…inspired by the book Money Is My Friend by Phil Laut…

…this book was recommended to me by one of my financially free friends Scott…

…I really enjoyed it and had a life changing moment occur when I read the part on passive income…