About Mey How exercising regularly can make you money

How exercising regularly can make you money

Yes, it’s Mey and I’m awake on a Thursday morning writing about How exercising regularly can make you money…

…so, I was listening to the audio book for The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business…

…a book that our friend Stephen recommended to my husband Jomel…

…and it is fascinating, I HIGHLY recommend you get it…

…there was a part that really caught my attention on Keystone habits…

…he talked about how changing one Keystone habit can be the trigger to changing a lot of other habits…

…and one Keystone habit was exercise…

…if someone started to exercise regularly, it oftentimes led to them eating healthier as well as using their Credit Cards less!!!

…I mean, how is that possible?

About Mey What Are My Chances of Becoming Financially Free?

What Are My Chances of Becoming Financially Free?

…hi, I’m Mey, a Super Mom, and I woke up early before my husband and son so that I could blog and spend more time in the evenings with both of them, and today’s topic is What Are My Chances of Becoming Financially Free?

…this is an important topic as less than 1% of the world is actually financially free…

…most people have to work for a living or depend on someone else who works for a living…

…and yet, there are people who are free…

…they took the actions and created a life where they work on their passions, and don’t need to work for the money anymore…

…so if you want to be financially free, what are your chances of getting your goal?

About Mey Your Financial Freedom Goal – Stay On Track With This Weekly Checklist

Your Financial Freedom Goal – Stay On Track With This Weekly Checklist

…hi, it’s Mey here and I went on an amazing 25 mile bike ride this morning out to Hawaii Kai with my bike team, had a nice breakfast and am now blogging about the key of my whole blog and mission – Your Financial Freedom Goal – Stay On Track With This Weekly Checklist…

…Do you want to be financially free?

…if you are financially free, do you want more of your friends and family to also be financially free?

…have you wanted some guidance or support to keep you on track with your goal?

…to get you financially free faster?

…then this weekly checklist is going to be the keystone to your goal for financial freedom (or for the friends that you want to become financially free)…

About Mey Would You Borrow Money To Invest?

Would You Borrow Money To Invest?

It’s Mey here on a breezy Wednesday evening, had a nice evening with our financial planner and also worked out at the gym, and now winding down with tonight’s blog Would You Borrow Money To Invest?

…this is a controversial topic…

…and I think it just DEPENDS on the rate of the loan and also what the investment is…

…I recently had a talk with my mentor in Real Estate, and he advised that an investor with CASH wouldn’t go in on a real estate investment unless the return was AT LEAST 8%…

…so that means if you are borrowing to go in, then you need to offset the rate of your loan…

…let’s say that you have access to a credit line at 6%, which is roughly the current going rate…

…well, in order to make your 8%, you need to find something that is a STABLE 14% return…

…so it just depends…

…if you can find an investment like that, then yes, it would make sense to borrow to invest…

About Mey Do You Lend Money To Your Friends?

Do You Lend Money To Your Friends?

Mey here on a breezy cool Tuesday evening, to boys went grocery shopping and left me to speed blog about today’s HOT topic – Do You Lend Money To Your Friends?

…I did a scope (live video on the Periscope app) today and asked this question, and got a lot of interesting responses…

…one lady had lent money to her brother, and was still waiting for him to pay her back…

…she said he was going through hard times…

…and that HE’S ALWAYS going through hard times…

…another live viewer from Vermont said that they never lend money to friends, if it’s under $100 they just give them the money…

…said it’s not worth the emotional hassle…

…tell me about it!

…some people are good about paying back money and some just are not at all!

…what happens when someone stops paying you back and they still owe you money?

About Mey How Can You Get Your Spouse To Support You In Your Financial Freedom?

How Can You Get Your Spouse To Support You In Your Financial Freedom?

…this is Mey here with a very important question – How Can You Get Your Spouse To Support You In Your Financial Freedom?

…I’m going to tell you first hand, it is not always easy…

…sure, of course they want you to be financially free, and themselves as well, however, they also want you to take care of the kids, do the housework, work a full time job and so on…

…sometimes they are tired as well with their job and they don’t feel like supporting you because they don’t have the energy…

…so what do you do?

About Mey Dating a Homeless Man – Does Money Matter?

Dating a Homeless Man – Does Money Matter?

…this is Mey here on a beautiful Sunday evening blogging about Dating a Homeless Man – Does Money Matter?

…the topic is inspired by my roommate, who is dating a homeless man…

…the issue for us is that he’s staying at our house almost every night, and he is not welcome in our house…

…this seems to be a pretty big money issue…

…we will probably have to give her notice to move out because we have 2 people living in the room instead of 1…

…what are your thoughts?

About Mey He asked me “Which is more important Love or Money?” – How would you answer?

He asked me “Which is more important Love or Money?” – How would you answer?

…Mey here in Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf on the corner by Diamond Head Grill in beautiful Honolulu HI, blogging about He asked me “Which is more important Love or Money?” – How would you answer?

…it was actually a question sent to me by someone on E-Harmony who was interested in getting to know me better…

…I answered that I though they were equally important…

…and he had to talk to me after that because he was apalled…

…”how can you not say that love is more important than money?” he said!

…”how can you compare the two like that!?! They are both important!” I said….

…what would you have said?

About Mey Are You A Turtle or a Hare in Your Business and Your Finances?

Are You A Turtle or a Hare in Your Business and Your Finances?

…it’s actually a very interesting story, the turtle and the hare…

…you look around and there are all of these people doing their businesses and managing their finances…

…and what is happening?

…are they saving their money and investing wisely or are they doing the more glamorous spending and gambling?

…it’s so easy to be the hare, in the short term you look great, you have the looks, people admire you…

…I’m definitely a turtle…

…I like learning and applying and learning some more…

…I enjoy saving and watching my money grow according to a plan…

…I enjoy the financial stability that we create for our son Jordan and our home life…

…that’s just me, I’m a turtle…

…what are you? Are you a turtle or a hare in your business?

About Mey How I Used The Powerful Money Mastermind to Create My Dream Life

How I Used The Powerful Money Mastermind to Create My Dream Life

…Mey here on a Sunday evening in beautiful Honolulu Hawaii, went on a 60 mile bike ride this morning, and wanted to settle down this evening and share with you How I Used The Powerful Money Mastermind to Create My Dream Life…

…what is a mastermind?

…it is when at least 2 people join in harmony to support each other in accomplishing a goal…

…like forming a team…

…people get together, share their goals, and then help each other accomplish them…

…so, what is the most powerful mastermind?