Can You Make Money Getting Healthy???

Can You Make Money Getting Healthy???

…Mey here in the early evening blogging while Jordan is napping on the important question Can You Make Money Getting Healthy???

…let me tell you a story on how my husband Jomel made money the other day getting closer to his ideal weight!

…I’m always interested in increasing the amount of money we are making (and improving our cash flow) and Jomel tells me about something our team is organizing…

…so, we are in an internet marketing business (hence this beautiful and informative blog you are reading right now!) and our team leader Lawrence Tam (he’s so cool, he was an engineer who was making 5 figure months and still wouldn’t quit his engineering job…he eventually got laid off and never went back … his results aren’t, see our full income disclaimer here) tells the team that he is starting a fitness challenge using a Diet Bet App

…so my husband joins in…

…what happens is that you pay to be in the game $35.00, and then you weigh in with 2 pictures and you weigh out at the end of the game (it was a one month game) with 2 pictures…

…their weight goal was to decrease their weight by 4% in 1 month…

…if my husband made his weight goal, he would get an equal share of the pot (all the money everyone put in)…

…if he didn’t make his weight goal, then he loses his money…


…honestly, I hadn’t seen him this motivated to get his weight down since he played PLD (which is a personal development course that is also like a game, where you have 4 goals – 1 physical, 1 mental, 1 social and 1 spiritual)…want to learn more about the course click here

…so instead of his usual weight lifting then coming home, napping and eating just before bed…

…now he was also running around Diamond Head once a week (3 miles with an uphill on half), eating salads for dinner, not napping as much and just on fire…

…it was actually very exciting to watch…

…and it was all because of MONEY and PEER PRESSURE…

…I thought, wow, this Diet Bet App is phenomenal…

…so, did he make his goal?

…yes, he did…

…did he celebrate by eating more than a salad?


…what can I say, baby steps…

…and YES HE MADE MONEY, his share back was $50+ so he made a profit of a little over $15.00…

…and yes, he is joining 2 more games on October 5!

…I hope he gets his goal again and makes this weight control a regular thing with healthy eating and a mix of good exercise…

…we’ll see, though I think this Diet Bet App sure is genius!

…If you need some motivation to get your ideal weight, then I suggest you join a game!

What do you think?

What are other ways you can make money getting healthy?

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2 Replies to “Can You Make Money Getting Healthy???”

    1. Yes, you can join bets on dieting and make a pretty decent return, $15 earnings from a $35 investment in 1 month is HUGE!