Can You Be Spiritual and Make Tons of Money?

Can You Be Spiritual and Make Tons of Money?

…this is Mey here blogging on a beautiful and raining Sunday afternoon blogging about Can You Be Spiritual and Make Tons of Money?

…I did a scope on this topic this morning, and I got a lot of interesting comments regarding it…

…here’s the video sideways!

…some of the comments show that people have a lot of energy around money and spirituality…

…one person felt that God didn’t like money and wanted nothing to do with it…

…other’s felt that money makes things fun…

…some people think money is a tool to use in life…

…however, very few thought about money being an outlet for spirituality…

…the story I want to share is of my mentor Lawrence Tam, who has earned tons of money in his internet business (1.7 Million in the last 3 years in Empower, $50,000 in IPAS, and so on…his results are not typical, see average earnings HERE)…

…Lawrence is a spiritual person and shared with us in our last team meeting that he prays for us, and our business, in the hopes that we all become successful and fulfill our dreams…

…he is not the only example of a spiritual person making tons of money…

…in fact, I remember back to my days in my kung fu team back in Taiwan when my kung fu sister brought up a book of a monk whose spiritual journey entailed going out and becoming wealthy…

…they ended up opening up a diamond mind…

…in my case, I pursue my blog and internet business as well as financial freedom for all as a spiritual exercise…

…to unlock my highest potential and be the biggest beneficial force that I can be on this planet…

…and therefore raise the  vibration of all living things…

…I think it is an important question and would like to hear your thoughts…

Can you be spiritual and make tons of money?

Let me know in the comments below!

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5 Replies to “Can You Be Spiritual and Make Tons of Money?”

  1. My thoughts on this topic: if you are offering value and you are spiritual, there is no reason why you should be able to make the amount of money you desire. People will only give you what they think your value is worth:) Thanks for the interesting blog, Mey!

  2. This is always an interesting topic. But if someone were to read the Bible, they would be surprised at how many scriptures reference making money.

    1. Hi Tom, thanks for the comment…I did not realize that the Bible had many references to making money…

  3. Such a great post on the subject of being spiritual and our relationship with money Mey! I (Felicia) was brought up in a very religious household and was taught that money is evil, but as I educated myself.. I realized the real truth and now have a healthy relationship with it. If you have doubts, you’ll just keep repelling it and you’re doing no greater disservice to God and humanity than to not make the most of yourself. If you want to help the poor, teach them how to get rich. 🙂

    1. Hi Felicia, and thanks for sharing your personal story on spirituality and money. I agree that we must make the most of ourselves to be of the greatest service to humanity, and to our own personal feelings of fulfillment =)