Can Playing Robert Kiyosaki’s Cash Flow Game Make You Financially Free?

Can Playing Robert Kiyosaki’s Cash Flow Game Make You Financially Free?

…can a playing a game make you financially free?

…well, Cash Flow is a game that was recommended to me by one of my financially free friends (became free at 37)…

…he told me to play it every week until I could finish the game in an hour or less…

…truth be told, when he played with us he got out in 20 minutes…

  1. So What is the Cash Flow Game?

    Cash Flow is a board game invented by Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad company…

    …the goal of the game is to:
    1) Get out of the Rat Race
    2) Become Wealthy by attaining $50,000/monthly passive income or Obtaining your dream

    …every player has a cash flow work sheet…

    …in the beginning of the game, they pick a card and that gives them their occupation, salary, taxes, mortgage, debt payments, value of any assets and cash in the bank…

    …all of these are listed on the cash flow work sheet under assets and liabilities…

    …the expenses are added up and subtracted from the income giving a cash flow number…

    …everytime you pass the payday square on the gameboard, you pay yourself your cashflow (income – expenses)…

    …everyone has a game piece which is a different colored rat…

    …you go around a circle in the middle of the board, rolling dice…

    …you land on either a payday square, small opportunity, large opportunity, Market or DooDads…and there are also special squares for charity and if things really go bad…

    …small opportunities give you the options to buy houses or condos, or start multi level marketing companies, or buy shares of stocks, or buy CDs…

    …large opportunities give you the option to buy larger multi unit properties, or other more expensive business opportunities…

    …market brings in factors like how the stock market is doing, or how property values are doing…

    …Doodads are cards where you buy things…

    …the point of this part of the game, the rat race, is to get out…

    … in order to get out, you need your PASSIVE INCOME to be GREATER THAN your EXPENSES…

    …so every turn you have, you track it…

    …when you finally get out of the rat race, then you go into the outside of the board…

    …everyone at the start of the game already chose one of the dream squares to be their dream…

    …so you roll dice and and you buy bigger opportunities and see if you can land on your dream (and have enough cash to afford it)…

    hack image

  2. Is Cash Flow Fun?


    …it’s a board game that you can play with your friends…

    …it’s fun to get out of the rat race and to become wealthy…

    …landing on your dream is especially fun…

    …some people who have mental blocks to math may find it frustrating until they decide to just do the math (which is not hard, just adding and subtracting)…

    …it is told that we play the game the way we play your life, so if you are pretty poor at your personal finances, it may be harder in the beginning to get out of the rat race…

    …or you may want to give up after the first hour if you don’t feel like you are making progress…

    …the longest it took me to win the game was about 2 and 1/2 hours…

    …in my house we play until everyone wins…

    …so it really depends on how you play!

  3. Does Playing The Game Make You Financially Free?

    …well, according to my friend, if you play every week until you get out in under an hour, then you will definitely be more mentally prepared to become free…

    …you see, after playing many times, you automatically start calculating cash flow in your own life…

    …and you pay more attention to PASSIVE INCOME, which is something that I never looked at before in my own life…

    …it’s not how much you make either, it’s how you manage it to get passive income…

    …in the game, the janitor almost always get out of the rat race first…

…have you played Cash Flow?

…What do you think of it?

…Please comment below…

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2 Replies to “Can Playing Robert Kiyosaki’s Cash Flow Game Make You Financially Free?”

  1. Meylysa, No. I haven’t played the game. I’ve heard of it. I kinda expected it would provide a financial education through play – one of the best ways to learn.

    1. Hi Cathy, it’s definitely worth playing multiple times, especially to help with the passive income =)