Astonishing Videos on The Power of Checklists and Your Financial Freedom

Astonishing Videos on The Power of Checklists and Your Financial Freedom

…what is the key to your financial freedom?

…what if it was as easy as a checklist?

…the videos that I’m going to share will show you the astonishing power of checklists…

…and how to use them to become financially free…

  1. Atul Gawande: How do we heal medicine?

    …I watched this video thinking that I was going to hear a lecture about stopping the use of drugs and instead heard an astonishing account of the power of checklists…

    …I think this is the most practical and powerful video that I have ever seen…

    …and most of it’s power comes in the use of simple checklists to save lives…

  2. Daily Financial Freedom Checklist

    …here is a checklist for your daily checklist for financial freedom…

    …First, did you save at least 10% of what you made today or in the most recent time…

    …AND did you leave it there and not spend it?

    …Second, did you spend some time thinking about what and who you are grateful for?

    …Third, did you practice forgiveness towards yourself for your current financial circumstances?

    …follow me at @meyduldulao on Twitter and Pinterest for daily financial tips and the daily financial freedom checklist…

…tell me what you think of this financial freedom checklist?

…are you saving?

…what are you grateful for?

…are you forgiving yourself and others?

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4 Replies to “Astonishing Videos on The Power of Checklists and Your Financial Freedom”

  1. Hi Mey – I like this post on having a financial checklist. This certainly can keep a person organized by using this I see. Good value and thank you.

  2. Fantastic post Mey! Super helpful checklists in regards to your financial freedom. So important to be forgiving of yourself and yet at the same time, be accountable so you know what to work on or improve upon. Gratitude is really the best attitude. Thank you for sharing such value.

    1. Thank you Brian and Felicia. I’m glad you liked the financial freedom checklist!