Are You Speaking The Language of the Financially Free?

Are You Speaking The Language of the Financially Free?

Mey here on a warm Thursday evening in Honolulu Hawaii asking the question Are You Speaking The Language of the Financially Free?

…the words we say to ourselves and others are extremely powerful…

…they can give courage, strength, and energy instantly…

…they can manifest any destiny that we choose…

…and yet, what language are you using and are you speaking the language of the Financially Free?

Typical Language About Finances

…when you talk about your finances, do you say the following:

“I can’t afford it”

“The economy is the reason for…”

…so, what is going on with this type of language?

…the first is not helping you create a wealthy mindset…

…the second is blaming the economy for something, when it is ourselves who are responsible for our financial destiny…

…it’s very easy to use language that makes us or our friends the victim of a sinister economy, or housing crisis, or whatever…

…however, we are the ones responsible for our lives…

…our choices, our decisions all matter and make up where we are today…

…let me share with you some ways to speak the language of the financially free…

The Language of the Financially Free

…take control of your money by taking control of how you are talking about money…

…use phrases such as “What can I give today?”

“Who can I help?”

“What value can I bring to the world?”

“How can I make a lot of money in our current economy?”

“I chose to invest in…”

“My savings is growing everyday.”

…you are the one responsible for your money, and your language will show whether you feel in control of your money…

…think about what you say, and maybe even say less…


What are your powerful phrases for money and financial freedom?


Share them below!



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