Are You Saving For A Rainy Day or a Sunny Day?

Are You Saving For A Rainy Day or a Sunny Day?

…Mey here at the newly opened Honolulu Coffee Company with my Mom, author of Veluli: Specimen AMAC-1, blogging aboutΒ Are You Saving For A Rainy Day or a Sunny Day?

…why would anyone save for a rainy day?

…isn’t that when we all stay inside, and spend time cleaning the house or sleeping in?

…I mean, why would you need money on rainy days, instead of sunny days, or cloudy days…or anyday?

…let’s save for everyday, for the rest of our lives, so we can become financially free in our thirties instead of in our sixties (if ever…)…

…and let’s talk seriously about why it’s important to really think about this concept with saving for a particular day with something far more powerful…

Saving For A Rainy Day – The Consequences

…I don’t know if you’ve heard of this however, what we focus on we bring into life…

…so if we focus our savings for rainy days, then we end up saving for disasters or problems and spend all our savings on those…

…focusing on rainy days creates more rainy days…

…the same goes to an emergency fund…

…do you really want emergencies in your life?

…so how do you fix this and still have savings?

…read on to find out…

Saving For Sunny Days Too – Short Term Savings For Spending

…instead of focusing your account on emergencies or for rainy days…

…call it your Short Term Savings For Spending Account (taken from the amazing training from Tracy Walker, 6 Figure Shortcuts…sorry link to purchase is not available yet, message me if you want it)…

…so, what this account does is allow you to save and use the money in this savings for spending on things that pop up that you want to spend on…

…in her example, she used $500 to help her nephew buy his school supplies…

…or if you need to pay for a car repair, or if you decide to buy a surf rack, or whatever…

…see, this account is not focused on emergencies, it’s focused on short term spending needs…

…now you can spend on your sunny days too…

…doesn’t that feel so much better?


…how you budget and manage your money, what you call your accounts, is crucial to achieving your financial freedom…

…use smart account names, and smart goals for each of your accounts that will take you to where you want to go…

…it’s time to focus on the positive uses of money and savings, so that we can welcome more sunny days and savings into our lives!

…tell us what you think of saving and the names of your short term savings for spending account in the comments below…

…finally, I hope that you got amazing value from this post…

…my goal is to make you financially free!

…I love blogging and financial freedom is my passion…

…what’s your passion?

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11 Replies to “Are You Saving For A Rainy Day or a Sunny Day?”

  1. i used to be the person who would save for a rainy day and guess what i got? Rainy days. Something as simple as this can change the way you see things. thanks mey

    1. Thanks for the comment Sheena, funny how it’s so common to save for rainy days too…

  2. I choose to save for sunny days more, because I’m more attached to having sunny days now and in the future πŸ™‚ Great article!