Are You Making These 9 Fatal Financial Freedom Mistakes?

Are You Making These 9 Fatal Financial Freedom Mistakes?

…Mey here at 6am on a Tuesday morning, ready for a new and beautiful day, blogging about Are You Making These 7 Fatal Financial Freedom Mistakes?

…I wanted to make sure that I share the mistakes I made with you, and explain why it is that most people will never be financially free…

…these mistakes are so common that they keep most people dependent on a job or someone else for money their entire lives…

…so here are the 9 Fatal Financial Freedom Mistakes…

1) You Never Save Money For Yourself

…the first and most prominent mistake that people make is that they never save money for themselves…

…most people save money for maybe a house, or a vacation, or a car…

…however, most people never save money for themselves…

…which means a savings that you keep to fund your freedom…

…a savings that is always growing and that you never spend…

…a savings that you invest, and then live off of your earnings…

…without saving money, you will never have money…

…and you need to have money to start investing it…

2) You Spend More When You Make More Money

…most people will spend more money when they make more money…

…get a promotion or a better job, well, let’s get a better car, or finally buy our dream home…

…instead of saving more money…

3) You Spend More Money Than You Make

…a lot of people start out behind in their finances by spending more money than they make…

…if you have a job where you make money, and instead of saving, you spend more than you have with credit cards, a car loan, and a mortgage, and personal loans…

…and you’re constantly paying things off, which absorbs all of your money, and your energy, and your love for money, and instead of growing a Networth, it’s staying the same or becoming worse…

4) You Have No Idea What Passive Income Is

…most people have no idea what passive income is…

…they think they have to work for all of their money with time…

…they don’t know think that they can have their money work for them…

…and live off of dividends, interest, business income, royalties, rental income, etc…

5) You Don’t Appreciate What You Have

…no matter how much money you have, you will never be free if you don’t appreciate what you already have…

…if you don’t love and appreciate money, it will not appreciate (grow)…

…when you start spending the time everyday to actually think about how much money you have, and the good that it brings you, and feel the gratitude for it, then you will start thinking like a financially free person…

…there are plenty of poor, middle class and wealthy people who will never be free because they don’t appreciate what they have…

6) You Hang Out With The Same Friends Who Are Not Financially Free

…you act like your closest friends…

…if you really want to be financially free, you’re going to have to make friends with financially free people…

…and your first friends might be books written my financially free people…

…my kungfu teacher used to say his best friends were Laotzu, Buddha, and Confucius…

…so get serious and find the mentors you need and spend time and hang out with them…

7) You Don’t Educate Yourself on How To Become Financially Free

…there are steps that you need to take to become financially free…

…these are exercises in your mindset…

…actions you must take in savings…

…then you must pick an investment arena and master it…

…and then move on to the next investment arena…

…and the investment world is constantly in flux…

…so if you are not reading, and learning, and researching, you are not learning what you need to become financially free…

8) You Don’t Think You Deserve Financial Freedom

…you feel like you are not worthy…

…you don’t spend the time loving yourself…

…you don’t spend the time forgiving yourself for your mistakes that you inevitably make as a part of being a human being who is growing…

…you don’t believe that you deserve money…

…you mistakenly feel that people who are financially free are somehow better than you…

…you deny your intrinsic power, your intrinsic worth, your true financially free destiny…

…you spend time saying things to yourself that do not serve you and do not pick you up…

…you have not yet realized how truly worthy you really are…

9) You Never Decide To Be Financially Free

…you may think about being financially free…

…or even talk about it to your friends…

…however, you have never committed and decided that you are going to be financially free…

…you have never written it down on paper, the date that you will be free, and your plan for becoming free, and the obstacles that you face and what you will do to overcome them…

…you have never told your facebook friends your intentions…

…you have not told your spouse and your children…

…you have not stood on a cliff above an ocean and screamed your goal of financial freedom to the universe…

Are you making or have you ever made these fatal mistakes?

What are you going to do differently?

Let us know in the comments below…

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4 Replies to “Are You Making These 9 Fatal Financial Freedom Mistakes?”

  1. Nice blogpost. Very motivational. Especially the first one. Being a mom…, I put myself last… So saving for myself is totally weird! Yes I save for things and for my kids but it’s about time I save for myself!

    1. Hi Sharon, I’m so glad it gave you value, and I hope you do start saving for yourself! Moms often don’t do this even though what they do is so valuable =)

    1. Thanks for reading my post Roselyn, hope it’s helpful to you on your journey to Financial Freedom.