Review of the Millionaire Mind Experience Seminar – Interview with Jomel Duldulao

Review of the Millionaire Mind Experience Seminar – Interview with Jomel Duldulao

Jomel just attended the first Millionaire Mind Experience Seminar (formerly the Millionaire Mind Intensive) held in Honolulu, Hawaii…

…I took it about 6 years ago and interviewed Jomel on what he thought of his three day seminar experience…

…I’ve actually been using the budgeting system I learned in the seminar ever since, and have been handling our joint account and business account using the principals I learned in MMI…

…so Jomel was already familiar with the budget before he went…

…watch and find out for yourself, about this highly energetic, enlightening and fun seminar…

…oh and it’s free to register, because they are giving a taste of how good their courses are, and will advertise their advanced courses during the three day seminar…

…I thought it was well worth it and so did Jomel, so check out the interview and sign up for your seminar today!

Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar
Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar
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