11 Ways Mothers Can Become Financially Free

11 Ways Mothers Can Become Financially Free

Being a Mother is so much work and it doesn’t pay like a job or a career so I want to share 11 ways mothers can become financially free!

When I became a full time mother, it was a struggle sometimes to know that I didn’t have a paycheck coming in, even though I was working!

However, there are many ways for mothers to become financially free and here are 11 of them!

Way #1 Put Value on Yourself and What You Do

The only way for you to become financially free is if you feel valuable and worthy of being financially free.

Once you truly value yourself and what you do and who you are, then all the other actions to create financial freedom will be easy!

I used to doubt my value as a mother.

Just because I’m not generating a paycheck does not mean what I do is not valuable.

If my husband were to pay for someone to do what I do it would be very expensive.

If you don’t believe me then price out what you do. Yes, the little notes and all the extra love you put into being a mom counts!

I sometimes have to remind myself, that what I do is actually extremely important.

If I were on my deathbed, I would definitely feel me life was worthwhile raising our son. I would not feel it was worthwhile if I had stayed at my job, and he was put in daycare all day.

Think about what you feel is the most important in your life.

If you are a mother and you love it, then it is the most important activity that you can do in this life at this time.

So enjoy it and know that you are valuable.

Way #2 Pay Yourself First

Paying yourself first is by far the most important financial freedom action you can take after valuing yourself.

It’s also easy to do if you value yourself.

So, if you’re not making money how do you get money to pay yourself?

Well, if your spouse is working then he or she can give you a regular amount of money to pay for your services.

Take at least 10% of that money and put it aside in a financial freedom account, and invest it towards your financial freedom.

Way #3 Pay Your Child Second

As a mother your child seems like the most important person in your life. However, it’s important to pay yourself first, and then pay your child second.

What does that mean to pay your child second?

Well, if your child needs something, pay for it after you have paid yourself.

Do not prioritize your child’s finances over yours.

A lot of mothers will give all of their money and time to their family.

To become financially free, always pay yourself first.

Way #4 Plan Your Freedom

Write out a plan on how you are going to become financially free. You can have a fiduciary advisor assist you or you can write one yourself. CLICK HERE for some financial freedom plan templates.

Just be careful of non-fiduciary advisors, as they are going to want to sell you expensive financial products to pay for their commissions.

Way #5 Plan Your Child’s Education Savings

As a mother, it was really important for me to save for my son Jordan’s college.

So, I did my financial plan, and honestly I started saving for Jordan’s savings before I started saving for my own retirement.

It’s important that you save for your financial freedom, but it’s also important that you plan for your child’s education savings.

When you do your child’s savings plan, it will be easier to do your retirement savings.

Way #6 Say Nice Things To YOURSELF

It’s so important to be nice to yourself and the easiest way is to say nice things to yourself.

The most powerful is if you look into your eyes in the mirror and say nice things to yourself.

When I don’t say something nice to myself or others, I stop and correct it.

I decide to change and focus on the good in myself.

Need some affirmations to say then CLICK HERE.

Way #6 Include Your Spouse in Your Financial Freedom Plans

Make a financial plan with your spouse, so that you can both become financially free together!

Then you can support each other, congratulate each other on your progress and grow financially together!

Isn’t it more fun that way?!?

Way #7 Learn About And Invest in Index Funds

The easiest way to invest is with index funds. CLICK HERE for 7 Common Investor Mistakes to Avoid

and CLICK HERE for 10 Rules for Financial Success from Burton G. Malkiel.

Way #8 Take Time Off For Yourself

If you work all the time and don’t take time off to do nothing, have fun or just rest, then you are telling the Universe that you don’t value your own time.

Financial freedom is about having the ability to do what you want with your time.

You need to prioritize your time just as much as you need to prioritize your own finances.

So, take time off from being a mother…yes, you can do this.

Have someone watch the kids and do something else, it could be absolutely nothing!

I sometimes watch movies, go swimming or snorkeling or surfing, nap, write, meditate, call friends, visit my Mom.

Sunday is my day off.

I don’t do housework, don’t clean, don’t watch Jordan, don’t blog or do finances or invest.

Be sure to take time off.

Way #9 Do Something Everyday That Make You Feel Free

Practice feeling financially free.

For me it might just be meditating everyday in the morning and the evening.

Or I might treat someone or myself to lunch.

Or I might give to charity.

Maybe I take a day off and do something fun!

I used to surf everyday, and that made me feel free.

Figure out what you would do when you are financially free, and start doing some of those activities now!

Way #10 Write Out Your Ideal Day

If you want to live your ideal life you need to write out your ideal day.

I learned this from a very young multi millionaire.

He wrote his ideal day out to the minute!

I followed his advice though it took me a long time to write it out!

Trust the advice of the wealthy and write out what you would do on your ideal day.

Way #11 Visualize and Feel Free Daily

I learned this from watching the movie the Secret.

That was back when I was having money difficulties and everyday seemed so down.

When I saw that movie, I realized I was the one who could change the reality of my life.

It was up to me.

So I started visualizing what I wanted.

I would see the vision in my mind and feel the feelings.

It worked, for so many things in my life!

Try it for yourself. Do it on your day off or do it with your friends, spouse or kids =)


I hope you enjoyed and got value out of these 11 Ways Mothers Can Be Financially Free!

Try 1 at a time if it seems overwhelming. Pick the 1 that is the easiest to do, so that you can feel successful when you complete it.

Celebrate yourself!

You are a mother and so valuable.

Enjoy motherhood and create your financial freedom at the same time!

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