9 Warning Signs of Emotional Spending

9 Warning Signs of Emotional Spending

Here are 9 Warning Signs That You Are Emotionally Spending.

If you are emotionally spending, it’s good to realize it.

Then you can change your spending habits to create wealth for you instead!

#1 Warning Sign That You Are Emotionally Spending – You Feel Like It

You want to buy clothes because you feel like it. It’s not because you need it for work, or you are going to a party.

If you are spending because you feel like it, that is emotional spending

#2 Warning Sign That You Are Emotionally Spending – You Spend Differently When You Feel Different Emotions

If you spend money when you are happy, and don’t spend money when you are angry, then that’s a sign that you are emotionally spending.

#3 Warning Sign That You Are Emotionally Spending – The Things You Buy You Never Use

I used to buy educational programs, books, online courses and I didn’t use them.

I knew a woman who bought so many clothes and purses that she still had tags on a lot of them.

I was compensating for me feeling of inferior about knowledge. I wanted to learn more about being successful with money so I spent money on courses.

The lady I knew was unhappy with her boyfriend. When she found her future husband, she stopped overspending on clothes.

#4 Warning Sign That You Are Emotionally Spending – People Call You A Shop-a-Holic

If everyone you know labels you a shop-a-holic, or a spender, then you are probably an emotional spender.

That’s a sign to dig in and figure out what you are trying to compensate for.

#5 Warning Sign That You Are Emotionally Spending – You Buy Because It Makes You Feel Good

Are you shopping because you feel good shopping?

When you buy things does it bring you a feeling of joy?

Ever wonder why you can’t get joy from other things in your life…like smiling or running or volunteering?

If you use spending money to feel good, then it’s time to start investigating why you don’t feel good without spending money.

#6 Warning Sign That You Are Emotionally Spending – Spending Money Is The Only Way To Celebrate Yourself

You got a raise! Yay! Do you celebrate by spending more money?

You’re kid got an A on their math test. Do you celebrate be spending money on them?

Hmm, do you always celebrate by spending money?

#7 Warning Sign That You Are Emotionally Spending – You Feel Like Your Purchases Are Always Competing With Others

Are you spending because you want to look better than someone else?

Do you want to buy what your neighbor has?

Is your best friend buying cool things that you just have to have to?

Are you spending money to compete with others?

#8 Warning Sign That You Are Emotionally Spending – You Always Spend Money a Certain Way – Habit

Do you have habits that are harmful or not necessary that you spend money on?

Starbucks coffee?

Monster drinks?

Online game tokens?

I drink water. It’s healthier and it’s free.

#9 Warning Sign That You Are Emotionally Spending – You Buy Stuff To Create a New You

It’s time to makeover your life.

Buy new makeup, new clothes, new shoes.

Oh the compliments you will get.

It will be a great new look.

Maybe you need a new you because you aren’t happy with yourself just as you are right now?

Why not?

You are a wonderful person =)

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