9 Virtues of Having Free Time and Living a Financially Free Life

9 Virtues of Having Free Time and Living a Financially Free Life

What do you think of having free time?

Is it sinful, is it virtuous?

This blog is about Financial Freedom, and having more free time, so that we can choose to do what we love.

For me that is having the time to spend with my son Jordan, who is 4 years old, and my husband, whose birthday celebration I organized yesterday with friends and family.

I like having the time to be with family and do things for my family.

My financial freedom habits have allowed me to do that…quit my full time job and choose to stay at home.

Even then, when I first quit, I did feel guilty about not having to work that full time job anymore.

It took me a while to get used to sleeping in more, and staying up late.

That’s what inspired today’s topic.

You see, some people won’t become financially free because whether they know it or not, they feel like if they were wealthy and didn’t have to work, they would be lazy!!!

Well, let’s examine our thoughts so that we can overcome these invisible mental blocks to Financial Freedom.

Let’s prove once and for all that having free time and becoming financially free is a VIRTUE…and let’s do it 9 times!!!

#1 Virtue of Having Free Time and Living a Financially Free Life: You Are Happier and the People Around You Are Happier

Isn’t it amazing when a truly happy person enters the room, and smiles and greets everyone, that everyone in the room feels happier?!?

Well, the more happy people we have in the world the happier the world will be.

When you become Financially Free, and have more free time, you are happier. Why?

Because you get to do what you want, which includes sleeping enough, getting exercise, having less stress as there’s no job or boss to hound you.

You get to choose to spend time with your children, spouse, family, friends more.

This free time allows you to cultivate yourself, meditate, learn about yourself and what truly makes you happy…and gives you the time to act on those revelations!

So, it is a virtue to have free time so that you can live a happier life, and make those around you happier as well.

#2 Virtue of Having Free Time and Living a Financially Free Life: You Are Healthier and the People Around You Are Healthier

When I quit my job, I noticed that I didn’t get sick nearly as much. In fact, now I really never get sick at all.

I think the reason why is that if I feel like sleeping I just sleep, whereas before when I had to work a job, I would keep working instead.

It’s not only me that’s healthier, my son used to get sick every other month!

I had the free time and ability to take him out of preschool when he was 3 years old, and he’s only been sick twice in a year! And he didn’t need any medical treatment, and recovered fully on his own with adequate rest.

In addition, my husband who still works a full time job, used to get sick every other month along with my son and myself.

Now, he never gets sick…never.

So, what does this mean?

It means that when you have more free time, you can spend more time on your health.

That’s right, you can research a healthier diet, learn to cook healthier meals.

You have to time to cook, instead of always buying take out food.

You have the time to sleep more if you need and get the rest your body needs.

You have the time to take a couple of yoga classes, go running, hike and go to the gym on a regular basis.

In short, you have the time to practice healthier habits, and become healthier!!!

This healthier life is virtuous because you don’t have to take medicine, you don’t have to be a burden on the health care system, you don’t pollute the environment with medicine bottles, you feel better helping others around you also feel better, you are stronger and have more energy, you’re brain is clearer and more creative, you can serve others and yourself more, and you are more vibrant, beautiful, in shape, etc, etc.

#3 Virtue of Having Free Time and Living a Financially Free Life: You Prove To Others That They Can Have Financial Freedom TOO

One of the things that people do is follow what everyone else is doing. So as soon as you become financially free, you become a model where others can copy you and create financial freedom for themselves too.

That in itself is a virtue.

You become a role model in your community, and just the fact that you did it will inspire those who know you to become financially free themselves!

#4 Virtue of Having Free Time and Living a Financially Free Life: You Take Responsibility For Your Money And Your Time Freedom, Instead of Relying on Others or Playing Victim

When you actually do the work to become financially free, then you learn about how to take responsibility for your own wealth.

No longer are you blaming others or playing victim with poverty.

Now you are taking charge of your life, and making the lives of others richer by having the money to buy their products and fuel the economy.

You become a role model, and you create more responsible people, and less victim.

That is a huge virtue. God helps those who help themselves…

#5 Virtue of Having Free Time and Living a Financially Free Life: You Can Serve Others More, Instead of Focusing On Your Own Survival

Isn’t it so much more virtuous to be spending time creating jobs, businesses, cleaning the environment, inspiring others to be healthier and happier, etc…rather than always living paycheck to paycheck and being totally self absorbed in your own survival?

Think about it, serving others and yourself (instead of expecting others to serve you) is one of the highest virtues.

You get to make a real difference in your life and the lives of others.

You can be like Bill and Melinda Gates, create a foundation, make the world a better place.

Maybe not the same as them, maybe you’ll become a world renowned spiritual healer, and famous athlete or artist.

In any case, you can spend time uplifting the world and being in that virtuous vibration!!!

#6 Virtue of Having Free Time and Living a Financially Free Life: You Become a Source of Inspiration and Information for Others Who Want Financial Freedom

It is a virtue to inspire others and to give them the information they need to take responsibility for their finances, have more free time and create financial freedom.

As you have more and more free time and live a better life, people will ask you how you do it.

This is your opportunity to help them do it too.

This is your opportunity to show them how.

This is one of the highest virtues, creating the lifestyle that others want and then showing them how to get there =)

#7 Virtue of Having Free Time and Living a Financially Free Life: You Have Choices

FREEDOM and CHOICES!!! It is a virtue to exercise your power of choice.

Those with the freedom of choice must exercise that freedom and make choices that uplift them and others.

This is a beautiful thing.

It has inspired the birth of an entire country, the United States…freedom of choice.

#8 Virtue of Having Free Time and Living a Financially Free Life: You Can Live Outside the Box, Tap into Your Creativity

Being financially free allows you to be completely different from most people, as less than 1% of the population is actually financially free.

Thus, by becoming financially free and having free time, you are automatically living outside the box.

Being different from others is a great way to let you tap into your creativity.

You no longer believe in paradigms that others believe in, like that you have to work for a living, and so on.

With that, you practice the virtue of tapping into your creative genius.

What your creativity creates will uplift the world.

This is a high virtue, as the people who change the world are the ones who are tapping into their creativity.

#9 Virtue of Having Free Time and Living a Financially Free Life: Because It’s Fun and Cool, And That Motivates Others to Live Their Best Lives Too

I am so happy for what I do for a living, because when people ask me what I do, and I tell them that I am an investor, mom and that I am a financial freedom coach, I feel pretty cool.

It’s a fun and cool thing to be doing.

Who doesn’t want to have fun and be cool?!?

When you have more free time, and do what you love, others around you will be motivated by how alive, happy and how much fun you are having!

So be fun, be cool and be virtuous!


It’s time to claim your freedom and your free time. It is virtuous to do so and no one else can do it for you.

You decide, you make the choice, and you create your freedom.

Remember always that it is a VIRTUE to have free time.

There are 9 reasons in this blog to help you see that.

Stop believing anyone else, including your own thoughts, that try to convince you otherwise.

When you look at free time and financial freedom objectively, you will see that it is virtuous, and worth obtaining.

About Mey Duldulao

Back in 2011 I had over $30,000 in credit card and line of credit debt, was living paycheck to paycheck and was stressed out over my lack of success in my financial life.

In April of 2016, I became debt free and had a monthly passive income stream. I quit my job on December 23, 2016, and started doing my dream work of mentoring others on what I did to create the freedom to quit my job.

In 2017 we bought our first condo in Waikiki, and we went on 5 weeks of vacation (including a 7 day cruise to the Mexican Riviera)!!!

I spend most of my time doing what I dreamed of for years, spending my days with my son Jordan and my husband Jomel, enjoying motherhood and being a wife. I also enjoy researching Financial Freedom and sharing what I learn with my clients and on my blog.

If you want to learn more about how I can help take back control of your money and your time, then CLICK HERE, watch the free video and get started!

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