9 Steps To End Poverty and Become Wealthy

9 Steps To End Poverty and Become Wealthy

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jortYbXxLlo[/embedyt]

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and I heard a speech yesterday where he talked about how there were people living in poverty and they were living among the wealthy.  He also said some of them were white, and all of them were his responsibility.

And it got me thinking about how to end poverty, and create wealth for all.

So I came up with 9 steps that helped me when I was living in poverty to climb out and live in wealth.

To me, the end poverty, every person living in poverty must follow these 9 steps, and then poverty will be extinct.

Let me know what you have done to become wealthy in your life in the comments below!

#1 Take Responsibility For Your Financial Life

The first thing I did was stop asking “Why am I poor?” or looking for something outside of myself as the cause to my money problems.

I changed how I talked to myself and started asking “Why am I so rich”? and looking for ways that I could add value to the lives of others.

I started taking responsibility for my financial life, and that empowered me to make choices to improve it.

#2 Choose to be Wealthy

At the same time that I took responsibility for my finances, I also chose to be wealthy.

I made the choice in writing, out loud in saying my choice, and in what I listened to, what I read, who I talked to and what I said to myself in my head.

I began saying things like “Opportunities are everywhere.  It is easy and effortless to make more than enough money.  Money comes easily.” and so on.

When you choose in your heart, mind and soul to be wealthy, and you spend the time and energy to retrain your thoughts and your mind, then you change into a wealthy person.

#3 Mind Your Own Business

I soon realized that I was spending a lot of time in other people’s business and this was wasting my time.  What my mother, classmates, brother and sister, friends and so on did with their time and money was NONE OF MY BUSINESS.

Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad and Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing, always says to mind your own business.

Spend time creating businesses to provide value to others so that you can learn how to grow your personal commerce.

Learn how to save, invest, create income streams and so.

After all, the only thing that will make you rich is learning to control yourself.

That’s right, that means to spend with in your means, find ways to increase your income, learn sales and so on.

#4 Pay Yourself First

I learned from literally every money book out there that in order to become financially free you need to pay yourself first.

That means take at least 10% of all income you make and put it aside to save, invest and grow towards your financial freedom.

That could be a retirement account, an investment account, a business, a savings account, all of the above and anything else that grows your money.

The money you pay yourself will earn money for you (profits, dividends, interest) and eventually pay for your life so that you are Financially Free.

#5 Educate and Take Actions Steps To Grow Your Passive Income

In order to learn how to invest the money you pay yourself, and to create and grow businesses, you need to educate yourself.

Take courses, read books, work with mentors and go out and take the actions they recommend.

I read magazines, reports and get advice on investing from mentors and their programs.

I read at least 1 financial book a month.

I invest for passive income monthly.

#6 Evolve and Self Assess What A Wealthy Life Looks Like to You

I take the time to reassess my life.

When I was working my bank job, I knew I wanted to do something else.

So when I finally had the means to quit, I did.

I created a life where I can go to the beach everyday, spend lots of time with my family and do what I love.

I meditate in the morning when I wake up and right before I go to bed.

I get plenty of sleep and exercise!

I eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle.

I still re-evaluate, and see what do I want to change, what does a wealthy life look like to me.

I will write out what I will be doing and visualize it.

#7 Practice Gratitude Everyday

I practice everyday talking about and reflecting on what I’m grateful for.

Most of us live so much better than everyone did a couple hundred years ago.

If we are still breathing, then we have our breath to be grateful for.

I have one more day alive on this magnificent planet!  Hallelujah!

#8 Give to Your Community Out Of The Overflow

When you start paying yourself first and educating yourself on financial freedom practices, you will begin to have an overflow of money and you will start to enjoy giving to your community.

In the beginning it may just be your time.

We volunteer with projects that help local schools and programs for youth.

We also donate to church, to volunteer projects and other good works.

Volunteering is a great way to spend our time as a family.

We learn how to use power tools, paints and increase our skills while making new friends and making a difference in the community.

#9 Have Fun Becoming Financially Free

Enjoy your life and you are already wealthy!

I love becoming financially free.

I love blogging about it, talking about it, and taking actions towards it.

I remember learning about real estate investing from Robert Kiyosaki’s books and then going and buying our first investment property with my husband to see if the depreciation would really reduce our taxes.

It’s fun to take actions and to create more wealth.

Making passive income with your family and for your family is fun!

Make it fun and you will enjoy becoming and being wealthy.


I think ending poverty starts with me.

Then I take the steps I use and share it with you.

If you are poor, then follow them and become rich.

Isn’t that a great and fun way to end poverty?

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