9/3/24 Financial Freedom Affirmations and Visualization – Difference Between Meditation vs Affirmations

9/3/24 Financial Freedom Affirmations and Visualization – Difference Between Meditation vs Affirmations

Today is 9/3/24 and it’s time for our Financial Freedom Affirmations and Visualization LIVE on https://Facebook.com/YesFinanciallyFree and on https://Instagram/MeyDuldulao.

Today we are also discussing the Difference Between Meditation vs Affirmations =)


With affirmations I am creating thoughts and sentences that I want to experience. I am repeating these affirmations to retrain my brain to create a new thought habit.

Affirmations are sentences that I’ve decided to put into my awareness so much that I think of them as much as possible. I do this with the intention of creating the outcome in the affirmations.


Meditation is a practice where you sit still, close your eyes and go within. The purpose it to have enlightenment, a better understanding of your true nature, an awareness of your oneness with all things.

I learned many ways of meditation. The first was to just sit still and look at a candle.

The one I do now is the close my eyes and focus on my breathing. If I get distracted, just go back and focus on my breathing. While meditating I have an intention to wake up to my glorious nature/oneness with God and the Universe. I also meditate with a feeling of newness, because it’s the first time I’ve ever meditated at this moment.

I suppose the difference between meditation and affirmations for me is that instead of deciding what I want to think and feel, I just let myself be open and available and notice what I am thinking and feeling.

I also am open and available. I’m not looking to create anything. I’m just sitting still and being and becoming more aware of all of creation. I’m not trying to control or judge or react emotionally. I’m just being aware of all things and thoughts.

I find it relaxing, peaceful and calming. I also have insights which change how I live and view my life and relationships. I change constantly and enjoy my life more.

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