7 Ways To Use Exercise To Make You Financially Free

7 Ways To Use Exercise To Make You Financially Free

Did you know that exercise can make you happier than money?

According to this Yale and Oxford, if you exercise 3 to 5 days a week for 30 minutes to an hour, you are only unhappy 35 days a year as opposed to 53 days a year for people who don’t exercise regularly.

So what does exercise and happiness have to do with Financial Freedom?

Well, when I quit my job, I did exercise a lot more.

I also feel much happier than when I worked at the bank.

The more I think about it the more I see that it may have had a lot to do with exercise!

#1 You Need Free Time To Exercise (So Free Yourself!)

Everyone knows that exercise is important and we need free time to exercise.

If you don’t have enough time freedom, then exercise may be almost impossible for you.

That’s a strong reason to create passive income so that you can work less or quit your job so that you can exercise!

Passive income comes in when you’re not even working.

That’s why it’s key to helping you have more free time.

#2 Exercise Strengthens Affirmations

I used exercise to do affirmations about Financial Freedom. What I did was say them out loud while I was riding my bike to and from work.

Exercise will get your blood flowing and you’re more attentive to what you are thinking and saying to yourself.

Use exercise correctly and say empowering things to yourself!

#3 Great Health Will Save you Money in Medical Bills

When I quit my job, I took my 3 year old son Jordan out of pre school and he stopped getting sick. The last month that he was in pre school we paid over $600 in medical bills.

After that, our monthly medical bills dropped to about $50/month or less.

The reason our medical bills were so high is not just because of Jordan, my husband would get sick when my son got sick, and so on!

So if you work less, and can keep your small child at home instead of sending them off to get sick every month!

Not only that, if you exercise regularly, and reduce your medical bills now, you can save that extra money and invest it.

#4 Exercise Improves Your Quality of Life (So Free Yourself!!!)

Do you want to grow old gracefully, and still be competitive in sports and be independent and happy?

Well, it’s important to exercise regularly.

So use that motivation to get you financially free, and exercising more.

#5 Working Out Will Make Your Mind More Focused

Exercising regularly helps focus the mind.

Better focus results in better decisions throughout the day.

This pertains not only to finances, but health, relationships, your career…

Over time, this makes a big difference in your overall results in life!

#6 Exercise also Improves Your Image

When you exercise regularly you look and feel better!

This will improve your image and that will mean more people and opportunities will be attracted to you.

This will speed up your path to Financial Freedom.

I used my fit image to get tips from wealthy people about money and financial freedom. These wealthy people admired that I did an Ironman, and I admired them for their financial skills!

It was a win win.

#7 Exercise Improves Energy (money)

Energy is everything and exercise improves it.

With more energy you can do more.

Read more books.

Do more investments.

Meet more people.

Get more work done and hence be qualified for more pay or better jobs.

Get more training and get more skills.

Energy is everything and exercise will make it better!


These are 7 ways that exercise can make you financially free faster.

I love exercise and before I had my son would train for sporting events like the Iron Man and triathlons.

This brought me a lot of opportunities and connections.

When I had my son, then I didn’t have as much energy or time to exercise.

Then becoming Financially Free became even more important to me, because I missed my exercise! I used that to motivate me.

Use it to our advantage, be happier and exercise your way to Financial Freedom!!!

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