7 Ways To Pull Yourself Up When You Are Down

7 Ways To Pull Yourself Up When You Are Down

#1 Be Around a Child

When I was really sad, I moved in with a family that had a little girl who was 3 years old.

She was so cute!

She would run up to me when I came home and yell “Mey!!!”

It was so nice to come home and have a little girl so happy to see you.

It cheered me up instantly.

#2 Way To Pull Yourself Up – Say Nice Things to Yourself

You’re probably sad because you aren’t saying nice things to yourself.

So start!

I am beautiful.

I am funny.

I am kind.

I am generous.

I am caring.

I am loving.

I am wealthy.

I am smart.

I am gorgeous.

I am inspiring.

I am healthy.

When I enter a room it lights up.

#3 Way To Pull Yourself Up – Listen to Positive Subliminal Messages

If you have difficulty saying nice things to yourself, or your mind rejects them, then try subliminal messages.

You can google videos online with positive subliminal messages.

A lot of them have nice music that disguises the messages. That can be powerful for you because your brain won’t reject them.

You can also bookmark this page to access some right here.


#4 Way To Pull Yourself Up – Talk to a Friend

That little girl’s mother I mentioned before, she helped me when I was feeling down.

She said she noticed that I was crying a lot and she showed me a movie called The Secret.

I loved it so much I bought the CD and listened to it over and over, probably thousands of times.

It made me feel good to hear it.

It brought me hope.

I really enjoyed hanging out with my new friend, and she helped me a lot!

#5 Way To Pull Yourself Up – Watch Funny Movies

Funny movies make you laugh and feel good.

Watch funny movies a lot and your laughing and feeling good a lot.

In the movie, The Secret, one woman said that she watched funny movies all the time and it cured her cancer.

Hey, if it can cure her cancer, you can certainly use it to pull yourself up right?

#6 Way To Pull Yourself Up – Do The Next Little Step

When I was really down, it was hard for me even to think or do anything.

I was stuck.

The way to start the flow again is to do the next little step.

You can wash the dishes, or vacuum your floor, or shine a window.

Maybe change your clothes or start the laundry.

Then you will have done the next little thing to make your life better =)

Doing anything will start you moving and flowing again.

#7 Way To Pull Yourself Up – Exercise and Grounding

I did what Forest Gump did and started running.

I joined the Great Aloha Run, an 8 mile race in Honolulu.

I trained and ran it and felt great!

I then trained and did my first triathalon.

Then I trained and did my first Ironman.

Grounding is when you are in contact with nature, walking barefoot outside or swimming in the ocean.

It is a powerful way to align with the planet’s energy, and my acupuncture doctor highly recommends it to cure colds, sickness and improve your mood!

Get outside, exercise, walk barefoot through the sand.



These 7 ways to pull yourself up, I have done in my own life.

They work.

Some require more effort, and some less.

Some may be easy for you and some may not.

I recommend you do the ones that are the easiest and/or that look like the most fun!

Let me know what you think in the comments below!

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