7 Ways Increasing Wealth Improves Health

7 Ways Increasing Wealth Improves Health

Did you know that your wealth can also determine your health?

You may or may not believe this, but the Urban Institute did a study in 2015 that correlated increased income and Net Worth/Wealth to better health.

I have noticed that since I quit my job in December of 2016, I have been healthier.

In fact, I hardly ever get sick at all.

And if I do, it lasts maybe a few days at most.

Not only that, I just got my annual check up and my blood work done, and the nurse practitioner said that she has NEVER seen anyone as healthy as me…not 1 single issue.

I got an A+ in health.

I have lots of energy!!!

I have a positive outlook on life, do what I love for a living, get to use my creativity and grow my business and wealth.

I do yoga twice a week, weight lifting twice a week, run a few miles 1 to 3 times a week, and keep up with my 4 year old son Jordan at the playground and at the beach.

I now meditate daily and stay awake doing it (lol!!! I used to doze off from lack of sleep)

Not only that, when I was at my job, my knees would hurt after I ran or biked.  Since I stopped working, I’ve been fixing and healing my body by seeing a chiropractor, getting special insole orthotics in my running shoes.

As you already know, I’m running again, and my knees feel great!

I think you get the idea.

Now that I don’t work a job anymore, I have more time to sleep, spend time with my family, and I also get to cook more…and the food I cook is healthier.

We have the money to buy organic food, and lots of fruits and vegetables.

I am just healthier!

The reason I could quit my job in December of 2016 was because we were wealthier.

Our Net Worth had improved by 1/2 Million Dollars since we got married in August of 2012.

We had paid off all of our debts, and systematically saved and invested money on a weekly basis.

As I mentioned before, we went on 5 weeks of vacation last year!!!

It was actually during a health seminar on that 7 day Mexican Riviera cruise that I learned about orthotic insoles and bought my pair!

So check out the video training and learn about what you can do to improve your wealth and your health!

7 Ways Increasing Wealth Improves Health

#1 More Peaceful Environmont, Less Stress
With greater wealth, we can choose where we live.

We can choose to live in safe communities, where it’s easy to walk and play outside in the neighborhood.

There’s a friendly network of neighbors and community businesses.

This leads to better physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

For me, because of our increased Net Worth, we chose to buy a condo near Waikiki and Ala Moana Beach. The scenery is beautiful and my family can play in the ocean, watch fire works on Fridays, play in the park.

I have more free time and meditate, which has helped me the most!

#2 Education Achievement Highly Correlated With Good Health Independent of Income

The study by the Urban Institute mentions briefly that education achievement is strong predictor of health independent of income (citing Cutler, D. M. and E. Lleras-Muney.2006. “Education and Health: Evaluating Theories and Evidence”. NBER Working Paper No. 12352. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.)

In my case, I could attest to this. I have various education achievements, and because of this, I do understand the relationship between nutrition, exercise and health.

So even when I was living below poverty level, I still exercised daily.

Higher income families have the ability to send their children to private schools, get tutoring and pay for other extra curricular activities like music and sports.

I did notice that elite colleges, a significant proportion of students come from private schools.

#3 Can Afford Health Care Services, Insurance and Co-Pays

I didn’t go to the dentist regularly until I got a full time job. The reason was I didn’t have dental insurance.

Now that I’m wealthier, I go to the dentist regularly for cleanings.

When I was in my 20s, I never went to the doctor. I was never so sick that I had to go, and I also did not have insurance.

Now that I’m wealthier, I go to the doctor to get annual check ups.

When you are poor, you may be like I was, and have no health insurance.

Even if you had health insurance, it might be hard to pay the co-pays (about $20 per doctor visit).

#4 Better Jobs Have Better Benefits and More Flexibility for Preventative Care

Before I had a full time job, I didn’t really have the benefit of taking time off to go to the doctor.

I didn’t get sick pay. If you didn’t show, you weren’t paid.

So if I needed money, then I would go to work even if I was sick.

With the better paying bank job, I noticed that everyone went to the doctor and dentist on a regular basis.

It was like a different world.

#5 Can Afford a Healthy Lifestyle

When I worked for the bank, I had the money to buy a surf board and a bike for triathlons.

I had the time to go surfing everyday and train for sporting events.

I could join the gym and started going to yoga classes, circuit training, etc.

#6 Can Afford More Nutritious Food

#7 Better Living Environment


Back when I used to work a job, and was a mom and was building this Finance Freedom business…I used to have a sniffy nose when I woke up and did my 6:30am weekly webinar on this blog.

As you can see now, I wake up and I’m healthier.

From what I can see, as my Net Worth and Passive Income increased, I have been able to drastically increase my sleep, increase my enjoyment of life and improve my health.

Why not take control of your finances, start improving your Passive Income and Net Worth in a systematic way?

If you don’t know how, then CLICK HERE, enter your name and e-mail and watch the free video.

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