7 Tips For Effective Home Schooling During CoVid
I’m taking over home schooling for my son during CoVid as our school is only offering online learning so I thought it would be helpful to myself and other home schooling parents to share 7 Tips For Effective Home Schooling During CoVid.
Tip #1 Take Care of Yourself First
This is key to effective home schooling.
If you as the parent/home teacher are unhappy then your child/children are also going to be unhappy.
They copy your actions and your feelings.
So if you don’t feel good about home schooling neither will they.
How do you take care of yourself?
Well, you probably know the answer to this question but for starters get plenty of sleep!
Apply for assistance or ask the school if you need financial assistance as there are programs out there during Covid.
Tip #2 Do Things That You And Your Children Enjoy
I like to go to the beach, go running around the park and go to the zoo and aquarium.
So, for my home schooling, I will do these activities with my children.
I will do the online part after or before, depending on how I feel.
Tip #3 Feed Yourself and Your Kids Healthy Food
This is key.
Oftentimes I forget to eat breakfast or lunch.
It’s important to prepare and eat meals on time.
Have your kids help as best they can.
My son loves to help me cook.
It takes longer, but he’s learning a valuable skill that he can use all his life, so it’s a part of home schooling that only you can provide.
Tip #4 Teach Your Kids About Your Errands and Chores
Going to the bank is a learning experience for kids if you let it be.
Have them hold your checks, count the cash.
Give them their monthly interest or dividends as an allowance.
Teach them how to find groceries.
Let them figure out if what you have in your grocery cart is healthy or not.
Let them open your mailbox and take the mail out.
Let them open your mail and do your shredding.
This is home skills.
Tip #5 Go to Playgrounds or Other Outdoor Kid Friendly Areas
I do not use computer games or devices except for the online portion of home learning.
I spend time outdoors with my son.
The playground is a great time for him to play with other kids, and he is making friends there that he sees almost every day.
I also have time to socialize with other parents, or catch up on my reading.
Tip #6 Be Nice To Yourself And Your Children
When in doubt, be nice to yourself.
Be nice to your children.
If they have a fit, let them have it, maybe in their room if they have their own room.
Let them vent steam.
Let yourself vent steam.
Be ok with that.
Be nice to yourself and your kids.
Tip #7 It’s Ok Not To Get The Work Done
If you are having a rough day, it’s ok to not get work done.
What’s important is that the family is healthy and happy.
When the teacher says something is optional, it really is.
And if you can’t do it, just let the teacher know.
They’ve always told me it was fine.