7 Step Process To Living Your Dream Life
I’m sitting here at my new beautiful desk in our gorgeous waikiki condo and thought it would be helpful to share with you the 7 Step Process to Living Your Dream Life!
This blog is inspired by the book The 4 Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferris. He goes over the process in more detail there so I recommend you read the book and do the dreamline exercise!
I blog about Financial Freedom but I’ve found that what I really wanted was to live my dream life!
It wasn’t about the money, except that I wanted to have enough to live the way that I wanted.
When I first decided to create financial freedom, I was single and working a job.
I was living in fear of bills and debts that I owed.
I was focusing on money because I had so many money problems, so it took me a while to realize that I needed to focus on my dreams.
So I started focusing on my dreams.
I wanted to do an Ironman. I did finish an Ironman in 2011!
I wanted to find my soul mate and get married. I found him and married him in 2012.
I wanted to have a baby and we had our baby in 2013.
I wanted to stay home with our son, and I quit my job in 2016.
I wanted to buy a property that we could live in and we did in 2017.
My husband and I wanted to buy an investment property and employ my mother to maintain and clean it and we did in 2018.
I wanted to live in a bigger space, so we have room for more children and we bought our current condo in 2019, less than 3 weeks ago.
As long as your clear about what you want, be open to what the universe brings to you as the way to create your freedom.
For instance, maybe you don’t really care about having tons of money, but you just want to not have to work your job and take care of your kids and your family…
Or maybe you do want tons of money but want to make it doing something for the community.
Wanting Financial freedom is usually about something besides money.
#1 Write Down Your Dreams – Clarify What You Would Do Differently If You Were Financially Free (No longer had to work for money)
For me this was to spend more time with my son. When he was a baby, I was ok with having my Mom watch him.
But when he became a toddler, I realized that I wanted to spend more time with him.
I wanted Financial Freedom because I wanted to quit my job and spend time with my son.
What is it that you would do differently?
Would you pursue a new career?
Would you travel around the world?
What is your dream?
#2 Why Do You Want To Live Differently?
Now that you’ve figured out what you would do if money were no issue, figure out why you want to live like this!
Do you want to just laugh more and play with your kids?
Do you feel like if you were on your deathbed, you would feel good about your life?
Do you want more excitement and fun in your life?
Do you want to keep your marriage strong, or improve it?
How would you feel?
#3 When Do you Want Your Dreams to Come True?
Now decide when you want to have your freedom. Pick a real date.
Decide for yourself that you will have what you want by that date.
#4 Figure Out How Much Your Dreams Would Cost
So one of my dreams was to surf everyday.
When I realized that it would cost me nothing, I realized that the only thing holding me back from my dreams was me!
So I started surfing everyday in the mornings before work.
I also had a dream of going on a cruise.
So I priced out what I could pay, and started searching.
We finally found a cruise to Mexico that we could afford and we went on a cruise in 2017!
With each of your dreams, figure out how much they would cost!
#5 Take actions on the dreams that you can afford right now
As I said before, since surfing cost me nothing, I started surfing right away.
The cruise did require some effort and money so I researched it and then booked it with the money we had available.
You can do the same thing!
#6 Figure out the next action steps for the dreams that you can’t afford right now.
Currently, I have a dream of getting my husband a new car. So I need to price it out and start saving money to make this dream come true!
What about you?
#7 Get Support
I have a support network that I created called Finance Freedom Mastermind. We meet weekly for 40 minutes and work on creating financial freedom together.
I highly recommend you get a support group to help you achieve your dreams.
If you don’t know of a good group, then I recommend you join Finance Freedom Mastermind by clicking here.
We all have our paths that we take in our lives.
Each is beautiful and unique to us.
I want to share with you some practical ways to make your life the most fulfilling as possible.
It’s actually not difficult to get started. The only thing that stopped me was fear of the unknown.
All you need is to start dreaming again…and this time, do something about it!
About Mey Duldulao
Back in 2011 I had over $30,000 in credit card and line of credit debt, was living paycheck to paycheck and was stressed out over my lack of success in my financial life.
In April of 2016, I became debt free and had a monthly passive income stream. I quit my job on December 23, 2016, and started doing my dream work of mentoring others on what I did to create the freedom to quit my job.
In 2017 we bought our first condo in Waikiki, and we went on 5 weeks of vacation (including a 7 day cruise to the Mexican Riviera)!!!
In 2018 we bought our first investment property and we converted our first condo into our 2nd investment property.
In 2019 we sold an investment property to buy our dream home steps away from Waikiki beach.
I spend most of my time doing what I dreamed of for years, spending my days with my son Jordan and my husband Jomel, enjoying motherhood and being a wife. I also enjoy researching Financial Freedom and sharing what I learn with my clients and on my blog.
If you want to learn more about how I can help take back control of your money and your time, then CLICK HERE, watch the free video and get started!