7 Small Things That Make Financial Freedom

7 Small Things That Make Financial Freedom

I’m going to share with you 7 small things that make financial freedom.

I was inspired to write this when one of my close friends told me that he thought most of the volunteer projects he helped organize didn’t matter, and I disagreed.  I believe everything I do matters.  I also believe everything you do matters.

If you want Financial Freedom, then do these 7 small things and see how much they matter!

#1 Saving Consistently – No matter the amount

The most important thing is not the amount, it is the habit. It’s importatant to put aside money every month in a Finanial Freedom Account. This account’s only purpose is to make you financially free.

#2 Investing in U.S. Treasury Bills and High Yield Savings Accounts

Right now is a great time to make passive income in a relatively safe way. You can make over 4% in High Yield Savings accounts and 5.25% in U.S. Treasury Bills. Rates are projected to increase another 0.25% by the end of the year.  CLICK HERE if you want step by step training on creating a Financial Freedom Plan and how to buy U.S. Treasury Bills.

#3 Tidying Your Passwords

I have worked with so many clients and their biggest issue when calculating their Net Worth was figuring out the passwords to their various bank accounts, IRAs, Life Insurance, and so on.

This is a process but you really need to sit down, find a place to put your passwords!  Or a method, like an app that saves them all for you.

Get organized so that it’s easy for you to access your money!

#4 Creating a Space to Store Financial Records

Find a space to put your bank statements, IRA statements, Life Insurance contracts, Will, Trust, Documented value of jewelry, Insurance policies and so on.

It can be a folder in your hard drive, a filing cabinet in your house, a safe, etc.

All that matters is that you have set aside a space for these important documents.  That way when you know where to put them away.  And when you need to find them you will know where to look.

#5 Talking to Your Family About Money in Family Meetings

Talk to your family about money and make decisions in Family Meetings.  We meet every Thursday at 6pm.  If we can’t meet on that day and time we set up another time when we can.

The last family meeting we discussed Jordan’s birthday party.  The invites are due today actually, and we discussed what food we are ordering.

We actually resolved a disagreement, because we had agreed on a budget menu, and my husband Jomel wanted to add in Shanghai rolls (pork egg rolls) and Toron (banana egg rolls) and these are expensive add ons.

So, we agreed that we would eliminate the pancit (a fried noodle dish) and the adobo and buy the add ons.  I offered to make spam musubis myself to cut costs.

The funny thing is Jomel can’t even eat this food because he is Vegan as of this week and for the rest of the month.  We discussed all of the irony and made our decision at the family meeting.

I LOVE family meetings =)

#6 Giving to Charity – No matter the amount

The best way to become financially free is to feel financially free right now.  The best way to do that is to give to charity, no matter the amount.  When you give to others, you can’t help but feel you have more than enough.

Facebook is a great way to donate to many charities as they also waive the processing fees (at the moment anyway).

You can give to your church, to the Red Cross for the fires on Maui, to your friend’s non-profit organization.  Well, I’m sure you know where you would love to donate.  Go ahead and do that.

#7 Loving and Thanking Your Money

I just watched an episode of Take Back Your Mind which had an interview with Ken Honda, and he is a financial expert from Japan.  He got advice from a rich man in Japan to “Arigato Your Money”, which means to thank your money.

Practice loving and thanking your money now.  Say thank you to the money in your wallet, in your pockets, in your bank accounts.  Be thankful when you pay your bills because you are giving money to someone else!

Make your money feel very comfortable when it is with you.  When your money has to leave say “Thank you for coming.  Come back anytime and bring your friends!”

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