7 Methods to Overcome the Myth of Retirement and Live a Full and Vibrant Life

7 Methods to Overcome the Myth of Retirement and Live a Full and Vibrant Life

Do you want to retire?


Why would you ever want to retire if you are living your dream life?

If you want to retire, all it means is that you are sacrificing your happiness for a job…how is that working for you?

This post is all about how to overcome the social myth of retirement and live your best life NOW!

Think about it, if you are living your dream life now, then why would you ever retire?

If you choose not believe in this myth, and choose not to retire, then all the “savings for retirement” no longer applies to your life, and you can build to be rich instead…yes?!?

Some of you reading this are completely stumped by what I just wrote, that retirement is a construct designed by the U.S. government during the Great Depression to get older workers out of the work force and give young people a job…crazier things have happened.

So, if you never retire, then the only option left is what we are all taught in grade school…DO WHAT YOU LOVE ALL YOUR LIFE AND YOU WILL NEVER GET OLD.

Read on for 7 ways to overcome the retirement obstacle and live the life of your dreams now!!!

Method #1: Choose To Continue Working

Why leave your job if you love it?!?

Who says you have to stop when you are a certain age. Unless your company mandates it, just stay there and keep working!!!

Sometimes people think they’re supposed to retire, and they just do not really thinking that they actually could just stay.

If you love what you do, why not just keep doing it?

Method #2: Choose A Different Career That You Love

Let’s say that you don’t love your job…then change to do something that you would truly love!

I used to work at a bank and I knew that I didn’t want to stay there. I didn’t quit right away, but I positioned myself to quit after some planning.

After I quit, to be a full time Mom and homemaker, part time business owner, I never looked back.

I changed my career and now I live my dream.

Figure out what you would rather be doing and change your career!

Method #3: Uplevel

Ever play a video game?

Don’t you always want to uplevel?

You can do that with your life.

Find that you are too comfortable or like what you do but want more?

Then uplevel!

Get an advanced degree, change over to a different company, find a more challenging position, start training or public speaking…UPLEVEL.

If you’re not growing, your dying…

Method #4: Start Fresh

Maybe it’s time for you to just start over like you were a teenager graduating from high school.

Just start fresh!

Become a dancer, painter, a musician.

Go to law school, med school, trade school.

Go on more dates!

Start something completely new that you always wanted to.

Just do something that excites you that you don’t know the first thing about and just start fresh!

Method #5: Do Your Perfect Day

An exercise from the book How to Make One Hell of a Profit and Still Get to Heaven by Dr. John DeMartini recommends that you write out your perfect day.

From when you wake up to when you go to bed.

What would you be doing?

Then actually live out your perfect day once a month.

Then every week…until you are living your perfect day everyday.

Have you ever really thought about what you would want to do, each and every minute of your perfect day?

Method #6: Do Your Obituary, 24 Hours Left To Live

Sometimes we need to be jolted into creating an inspired life.

One way to do that is to write your obituary. Write what others would say about you now, if you were to die today.

And then write an obituary of what you want others to say about you.

See the difference?

That’s where you can start changing your life the live the way you want.

Another method is to pretend you have only 24 hours left to live.

What would you do with that time?

That will help you see what is truly important in your life.

Method #7: Choose Financial Freedom Now

Instead on focusing on retiring in the future, focus on creating passive income and reducing your expenses so you can be financially free NOW.

Choose focusing on creating financial freedom (click here if you have no idea how and need help), it’s much more inspiring than focusing on retiring.

Do it now and you can be free and live an inspired life.

Isn’t that more fun?

Doesn’t that make more sense???


I hope you have found the method you need to overcome this retirement myth and live the life of your dreams NOW.

It takes bravery to overcome the status quo, to not just talk like your co-workers and agree with all the talk of “can’t wait til I retire” or “I would love to retire”, or whatever!

Be braver, be smarter and be bold enough to take your life seriously enough to make it worth your time.

Make your life vibrant, full and YOUR DREAM! Do it now =)

About Mey Duldulao

Back in 2011 I had over $30,000 in credit card and line of credit debt, was living paycheck to paycheck and was stressed out over my lack of success in my financial life.

In April of 2016, I became debt free and had a monthly passive income stream. I quit my job on December 23, 2016, and started doing my dream work of mentoring others on what I did to create the freedom to quit my job.

In 2017 we bought our first condo in Waikiki, and we went on 5 weeks of vacation (including a 7 day cruise to the Mexican Riviera)!!!

I spend most of my time doing what I dreamed of for years, spending my days with my son Jordan and my husband Jomel, enjoying motherhood and being a wife. I also enjoy researching Financial Freedom and sharing what I learn with my clients and on my blog.

If you want to learn more about how I can help take back control of your money and your time, then CLICK HERE, watch the free video and get started!

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