7 Methods to Overcome Hard Financial Situations

7 Methods to Overcome Hard Financial Situations

Do you have a hard financial situation that you need to face?

As someone who got so much credit card debt that she was spending more on debt payments than on her rent and food, I completely understand how you might be feeling.

I would feel completely overwhelmed sometimes, would avoid opening my own mail, and would come home after work and cry.

Luckily, I learned 7 methods that helped me find my way through the financial unknown, pay of ALL of my debt, and also create monthly passive income streams for myself, my husband, my business and my son.

Now I am happy to open my mail, I enjoy looking at my bank accounts grow, and my husband and I own 2 investment properties!

So, now I’m going to share with you the 7 methods I used to figure out how to handle the financial hardship I had brought upon myself.

Let’s begin!

Method 1 – Pay Yourself First

The 1st method recommended by all of the financial gurus I’ve studied, including T Harv Eker, Robert Kiyosaki and George Clason, is to pay yourself first.

When I started paying myself first, my financial difficulties started to become less and less.

It didn’t fix everything overnight, but it is the only long term method to remedy financial difficulties.

How do you pay yourself first?

Every time you get money, be sure to put aside at least 10% into an account that is for you.

This account is for accumulating money and investing.

As you continue to pay yourself first, and you accumulate more and more money for yourself, you will feel better about money, and you will experience financial mastery.

Method 2 – Focus on What You Want

One of the keys to getting out of a hard financial situation is to focus on what you want instead.

I used to feel worry and fear because I was focusing on what I did not want.

If you watch the movie, The Secret, they talk a lot about this concept.

So right now, focus on what you do want.

I remember when I was not doing so well financially, I started to plan out what I did want in my life, and I realized that I wanted to surf everyday.

So do you know what I did?

I started surfing everyday.

I actually only needed to buy a surf board, and then I could start surfing.

I ended up being gifted 2 boards, and I bought 1 for $100 and started surfing.

Because I focused on what I wanted, I made my dream a reality.

Start right now to focus on what it is that you actually really want.

And then go out and get it.

Method 3 – Study and Make Passive Income

So, now that you are paying yourself first and have money saved, it’s time to create passive income with that money.

How do you do that?

You begin to study and make passive income investments.

Click Here for a blog post I wrote on 25 Passive Income Investments

You can also do what I did when I got started, and read magazines on investing.

Magazines are usually more up to date than books, though books are also great resources.

Learn to invest, take time everyday and spend time learning about investments.

Go ahead and make some investments and see how they go.

Remember, be sure they are paying you passive income!

If you want to get passive income super fast then take the 7 Day Financial Freedom Challenge!

Method 4 – Read / Listen to Books on Financial Freedom and Personal Growth

Overcome difficulties by growing bigger than them! I learned that from T Harv Eker, in his book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.

Read or listen to books on Financial Freedom and Personal Growth.

This will help you learn from people who are already successful.

They will share with you their strategies and how to become wealthy.

Also, be filling your mind with new concepts and ideas, you will automatically be focusing on what you want.

Method 5 – Take Small Baby Steps

As your knowledge expands, you will find it easier to make wise choices with investments and with your money.

When times were really hard, and I could hardly think or keep my emotions in check, I learned that taking small baby steps helped me move forward and make progress.

If you find yourself stuck in an emotional funk, just take a baby step and do the next step. It might be to turn on your computer, start running on a treadmill, or to drink a sip of water.

Maybe you just need to wash the dishes.

It doesn’t matter what you are doing, just take the next small step. It makes a big difference.

Method 6 – Guided Meditations

When I was feeling down, I know that meditating would help me feel better. However, it was hard to just sit and meditate.

So I started listening to guided meditations. All you have to do is close your eyes and follow instructions.

It’s a great way to meditate, and feel better.

Click Here for free guided meditations on creating financial freedom.

Method 7 Practice Gratitude

When I was feeling down, I found that practicing gratitude helped me feel happier, healthier and better.

It also helped me feel wealthy.

When you feel wealthy, you are already starting the process of becoming wealthy.

Gratitude automatically brings things into perspective.

If you are worrying about some problem, taking time to feel gratitude that you are alive, that you can walk, that you have air to breathe…this is what will make you feel good.

Also, gratitude brings in more of what you feel grateful for.

Think about it.

When you help someone and they are grateful, doesn’t it make you feel good?

Well, people will help you and you will help more people as you remain grateful.

You will be lifted up, no matter where you think you are now.

I started by writing down what I was grateful for everyday on a website. You can do this on Facebook or another social media website.

Or you can just recite out loud, write a journal, pray, meditate.

The important thing is to practice, every day, practice gratitude.


These 7 methods helped me overcome hard financial situations when I really didn’t know what to do or how to get ahead.

If you follow even 1 of them, you will see your life getting better.

The more of them that you follow, the better your life will be.

Take just 1 method for now and do it.

See if you can do it again tomorrow and every day.

Then add another.

Watch your life get better and better as you become financially free!


Want to become financially free with the support of a financial freedom coach and a loving and supportive mastermind that meets weekly online? CLICK HERE, enter in your name and e-mail and watch the free video!

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