7-9-24 Financial Freedom Affirmations and Visualization – How to Create Wonder by Arianna Huffington

7-9-24 Financial Freedom Affirmations and Visualization – How to Create Wonder by Arianna Huffington

Today we did our Financial Freedom Affirmations and Visualization. Then we discussed 3 ways on How to Create Wonder by Arainna Huffington.

In Arianna Huffington’s book Thrive p. 221, she shares 3 practices to help us create wonder in our everyday lives:

1. Focus on the rising and falling of your breath for ten seconds whenever you feel tense, rushed, or distracted. This allows you to become fully present in your life.

2. Pick an image that ignites the joy in you. It can be your child, a pet, the ocean, a painting you love-something that inspires a sense of wonder. And any time you feel contracted, go to it to help you expand.

3. Forgive yourself for any judgments you are holding against yourself and then forgive your judgments of others. (If Nelson Mandela can do it, you can, too.) Then look at your life and the day ahead with newness and wonder.

I hope this post helps you create wonder, and fulfill your Financial Freedom dreams. Have a Wonderful day!

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