7/30/24 Financial Freedom Affirmations and Visualizations – 50/30/20 Rule from Money Diaries by Lindsey Stanberry

7/30/24 Financial Freedom Affirmations and Visualizations – 50/30/20 Rule from Money Diaries by Lindsey Stanberry

Today is 7-30-24 and it’s time for our Financial Freedom Affirmations and Visualization!!!

Today we are also going to talk about the 50/30/20 Rule from Money Diaries by Lindsey Stanberry.

The 50/20/30 Rule is about how to spend your after-tax money and here it is:

50% FIXED EXPENSES – rent/mortgage/hoa/utilities, car/transportation, healthcare, childcare (not baby sitting for a date, but daycare), food, insurance

30% FLEXIBLE EXPENSES – eating out, movies and entertainment, travel, clothes shopping, coffee and energy drinks, credit card debt payments

20% FUTURE EXPENSES – savings, emergency savings, retirement accounts, 401K, hsa, student loans

Want to figure out how you are spending?

Go and try a money diary!

Write down everything you spend your money on.  Write down the date at the top of the page, the time when you spend money and how much and for what.  Do it for a week or a few days and see if it help!

Want affordable 1 on 1 personalized coaching to keep track of your monthly spending, Net Worth, Passive Income and Financial Freedom accounts?  CLICK HERE, sign up for Finance Freedom Training Live and contact your coach to set up your first session!

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