7-16-24 Financial Freedom Affirmations and Visualization – A Framework for Financial Health

7-16-24 Financial Freedom Affirmations and Visualization – A Framework for Financial Health

Today is 7-16-24 and we are doing our Financial Freedom Affirmations and Visualization – A Framework for Financial Health.

I recently bought the book What It’s Worth – Strengthening The Financial Future of Families, Communities and the Nation by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco & Corporation for Enterprise Development.

In the book are studies by various government agencies on the current state of families in the United States and their financial behaviors. They are created A Framework for Financial Health which they are using to help families in America become financially successful.

Here is the framework from p 64:

Daily Financial SystemMaintains expenses equal to or lower than income
Pays bills on time and avoids late fees
Is able to pay debt obligations
Has an acceptable monthly debt service to income ratio
Is aware of financial situation and status
Plans ahead for large, irregular expenses
Has access to financial services and advice
Is satisfied with current financial condition
Has an acceptable level of financial stress
Is confident in ability to meet short-term goals
Build ResilienceBuilds savings and achieves short-term savings goals
Owns appropriate insurance policies
Has a diverse safety net, including an emergency fund and access to affordable credit or a social network
Is able to recover from financial problems
Perceives self as in control of financial matters
Increase OpportunitySaves regularly
Has a retirement plan and saves for retirement
Keeps total indebtedness at manageable level
Maintains a positive credit profile
Stays on track to meet long-term savings goals
Has the means to improve human capital
Has an acceptable tolerance for risk
Plans ahead for medium- and long-term
Is confident in ability to meet long-term goals
Table 1: Indicators of “Financial Health”

What do you think of the framework?

Is it a good metric for financial health?

How healthy are you financially?

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