$50 Gift Card With Purchase Of any 1 Year Finance Freedom Mastermind Program by December 23, 2023

$50 Gift Card With Purchase Of any 1 Year Finance Freedom Mastermind Program by December 23, 2023

I wanted to let you know that I’m giving a $50 Gift Card With Purchase Of any 1 Year Mastermind Program by December 23, 2023!

Back in 2011 I was over $30,000 in debt with various credit cards and lines of credit. I did not own property and never had. In 2016, I paid off all my debt, our family’s Net Worth had improved by about $500,000 and we were making almost $500/month in passive income!

I quit my job and my last day was December 23rd, 2016! That’s why I have our annual Financial Freedom Christmas Party every year on December 23rd!

I’m also giving all customers a $50 gift card with purchase of any 1 Year Finance Freedom Mastermind Program, if you enroll by December 23rd!

Since I quit my job we have bought 3 and sold 1 property. We currenty live in a 3 bedroom apartment in Waikiki, and own an AirBnB business down the street in the Hotel Resort district of Waikiki.

I now am dedicated to my clients, my family and a greater purpose. I spend most of my time being a Mom and wife. I cook our meals, take Jordan to school and after school programs and exercise and take care of myself.

When Jordan got sick recently, I was able to stay home and take care of him without worrying about losing my job or getting my boss’s approval. I no longer have a job or a boss that I have to report to.

I never could have done all this without the help and support of a mastermind. The energy and assistance generated when a group of people come together all working towards Financial Freedom is a key motivator in speeding up your ability to become financially free.

There are 3 programs to choose from and they are designed to train you how to master your finances and get on the path to Financial Freedom.  With any purchase you will also get invited every year to our Financial Freedom Christmas party for FREE!

1) Finance Freedom Mastermind

Finance Freedom Mastermind is our highest level of coaching program.  You will have a live 40 minute Zoom session every week to learn the skills for Financial Freedom.  You will also be invited to another live Zoom Q&A where you can work on your goals or get additional support.

Finally you will get a live zoom 1 on 1 coaching session once a month to calculate your Net Worth, Passive Income, Cash Flow and Financial Freedom Accounts.  If you don’t know what these are, we teach it all to you in the program!

All you have to do is show up and do your best with your group and coaches and see how you improve your finances in a year!

2) Finance Freedom Training Live

Finance Training Live is similar to Finance Freedom Mastermind except instead of live zoom training sessions every week, you will receive a video lesson which you can look at anytime that week.

You still get invites to live Q&A every week and you still get the personal 1 on 1 zoom meeting once a month to do your Net Worth, Passive Income Cash Flow and Financial Freedom Accounts.

3) One Year Finance Freedom Makeover

Finance Freedom Makeover is our DIY version of Finance Freedom Mastermind.  You get the video trainings once a week for a year, and you also have access to the weekly live Q&A.

This program will work if you know you are good at self study and just need a little help on a weekly zoom to keep you on track.

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