5 Ways To Stop Being Busy And Create Time Freedom in 2023

5 Ways To Stop Being Busy And Create Time Freedom in 2023

#1 Way To Stop Being Busy and Create Time Freedom – Schedule Free Time

The first way to create more time freedom in your life is to actually schedule free time. It would be good to shut your phone off and leave it at home.

I like to go running, or I jump in the ocean and go swimming or body surfing. Sometimes I go for walks or just take naps. I also meditate, journal and contemplate my life, or I read a book.

Sometimes I hang out with friends or my family. I also like to watch NFL football too or maybe watch some movies.

My free time is on Sundays after Church. I’ve arranged it so that Jomel has our 9 year old son Jordan and I have time to myself, with nothing scheduled.

#2 Way To Stop Being Busy and Create Time Freedom – Pay Yourself First

The 2nds Way to create time freedom is to become financially free and the most important step to do that is to pay yourself first.

This means that every time you get money, you put aside 10% or more into a financial freedom account. This account’s sole purpose is to make you money, so that eventually you don’t need to work for money…or at least you can work less.

This habit makes you smarter with money, shows yourself and everyone and the universe that you value yourself. As you become more valuable you attract more and more wealth to you, as like attracts like.

I have set up automatic transfers to put aside over 15% of my money in my 3 financial freedom accounts every month – High Yield Savings/Whole Life Insurance, Brokerage Account for Passive Income, Roth IRA for retirement.

#3 Way To Stop Being Busy and Create Time Freedom – Create a Meditation / Prayer or Other Practice Morning and Night

The 3rd Way to Create more Time Freedom is to relax, get connected spiritually and be peaceful in your mind and body. This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT because it gets to the root of your busy-ness.

For example, I meditate every morning when I wake up and every night before I go to bed. During meditation it becomes very clear to me what thoughts are going through my mind. I see what I’m worried or excited about. I see what I’m working on in the back of my mind.

With this awareness, I love myself, and I find just being aware that my mind is busy and with what. Then my mind will clear up and I’ll be peaceful in the moment. My meditation teacher Michael Bernard Beckwith has said that meditation is a daily practice, to be in the present moment, to notice that we are breathing and we are not in control of our breath. God is breathing us.

Whatever your spiritual practice, it’s important to get connected to God, Nature and the Universe everyday.

Benefits I’ve noticed is dropping addictions to binge watching shows at night, and the ability to communicate with others more effectively.

#4 Way To Stop Being Busy and Create Time Freedom – Prioritize A Good Night’s Sleep

If you really want to create time freedom you need to prioritize a good night’s sleep. So much happens better in life if you get enough sleep.

First of all you have better health, you have more energy and it’s easier to focus and see what’s really important.

Haven’t you noticed that sometimes you can get caught up in a problem and not be able to solve it, but if you walk away and come back months later it isn’t a problem anymore?

A good night’s sleep is just like that, walking away from the day and coming back refreshed.

I used to have a hard time getting a good night’s sleep because I have a hard time saying no to people. So many people want to have dinner parties, or watch movies late night and I had to leave early and just take a stand for myself. I go to bed at 8pm.

Sometimes I still falter but I find that the benefits far outweigh not getting enough sleep.

#5 Way To Stop Being Busy and Create Time Freedom – Get a Mentor Who Has Time Freedom

The last way to create time freedom is to get a mentor who had time freedom. Just ask around or pay attention and find someone who takes time for themselves, isn’t a busy body, and has real time freedom.

Every time I wanted to find a mentor I could. You just have to ask around. Then talk to that person and ask for their help. When they give you advice, be sure to actually do what they say! They know better than you.

If you want help from me, you can join a Finance Freedom Mastermind Program!

Our Premier program Finance Freedom Masterminds meet 2 times a week in zoom group sessions and once a month for 1 on 1 coaching – CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

Our Best Value program Finance Freedom Training LIVE meets once a week in a zoom group session and once a month for 1 on 1 coaching – CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

Our Budget program Finance Freedom Makeover meets once a week in a zoom group session – CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

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