5 Ways To Overcome Financial Embarrassment

5 Ways To Overcome Financial Embarrassment

#1 Tell Your Feelings to Someone You Trust

First, I told someone.

Ever feel embarrassed about something and then you finally told someone and you felt a lot better?

Usually the other person has done something even worse, and shares their story with you.

OR, they know others who were in a similar position, and they know how to help you.


As I mentioned in my LIVE, I used to feel really embarrassed about my finances too.

I was in my 30s, had an excellent education, but was living pay check to pay check, single and in debt.

I didn’t want people to know I bounced checks.

It was embarrassing.

I’m sharing my story with you so that you know that no matter who you are, you are perfect just as you are.

You are not alone.

I told a financial counselor about my financial problems, and they did have ways to help me.

Go ahead and talk to someone!

#2 Take Actions to Improve Your Finances

This will help you feel better because your finances will start to improve.

What are actions you can take?

Cut excess expenses.

Pay yourself first (put aside at least 10% of everything you make and put it in investments to make you wealthy).

Study finance.

Calculate your Net Worth every month.

Calculate your Income and Expenses and understand your Cash Flow.

Stop using credit cards (I only use cash now for personal purchases).

#3 Compare Yourself to Your Previous Self – Not To Others

One of the reasons I was so embarrassed about my finances was that I was comparing myself to other people.

It took me a while to realize that other people are very different from me.

The grew up with different backgrounds, had different parents and support structures, religions, etc.

You are the only one like you.

I am the only one like me.

Do you.

So when it comes to finances, and anything else, just work on being better at it than you were before!

The nice thing about finances is that you can monitor your progress.

You can see how much your Net Worth is.

What is your passive income?

How much are you making per hour?

How much free time do you have and are you enjoying it?

If you keep track of your personal progress and watch yourself improve, you will feel better about yourself.

#4 Ask For Help From a Financial Counselor or Coach

When I was doing badly with money, I found a financial counseling service.

They were very helpful in helping me organize my finances.

They also showed me programs to help me to save up for a home.

The biggest benefit was that I felt like I wasn’t alone anymore.

#5 Join A Supportive Community Working Towards Financial Freedom

I create Finance Freedom masterminds because I like to be in a community of people all working towards their goals.

It’s more effective, you have accountability in the group, and you make friends who will support you in your goals.

If you are interested in joining Finance Freedom Mastermind then CLICK HERE and get started today =)

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